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'dear diary.
i met the girl of my dreams, today.
she is beautiful, she is kind and she is inspiring.
i think I love her, already.'
this is how it started.
small entries into his diaries became his biggest source of comfort and escape.
he couldn't wait to go home and put his day into paper.
then, when things got rough, he'd read about the good times to reassure himself, that there is a chance, maybe a possibility of a shot with her.
to him, she was the embodiment of beauty, grace and kindness.
to her, he was simply a one time thing.
now, everyday he lives in a nightmare.
he's tried too hard to make people like him in the past that, now he can't love himself.
'dear dairy,
this is the last straw.
i'm done with pleasing people.
yours sincerely,
someone who cared too much.'

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