thirty four.

121 21 15

don't mistake me, love.
Just because, I'm nice to you, does not mean I'm always nice.
there's a part of me, that's been locked away,
a part which I never want to revisit or reopen again.
I've been treated in ways, in which I don't want people to ever experience.
not bullied by any strangers but being abandoned by friends, backstabbed by lovers and even let down by family.
life is not always smooth, but I learnt to deal with it.
Every bad situation is an experience and every good situation is a memory.
so don't mistake me, for being a nice person.
I'm only nice because I choose to be.
If anyone tries to hurt me, this time, I won't back away but I will unleash that part of me, which has been hidden.
I am the storm and the silence.
Right now, it's the silence.
but when it reaches the storm,
believe me, you'd wish you never met

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