thirty seven.

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Every waking day, man faces a choice.
do what the heart says or listen to the endless voices circling around in their mind.
the hero instincts of the heart or the villain instincts of the mind?
we live in a world, where happiness is overrated and most people decide happiness is unachievable, without even trying.
if everyone in the world gives up, then there will be nothing left to love or achieve.
giving up is the most easiest thing to do.
can't study? give up.
can't run? give up.
can't live? give up.
the most easiest choice, the world decides to do.
when you feel like the world is caving in, when you feel like there is nothing more left to live for, fight.
fight the feeling. the feeling that you want to give up.
never back down. there is much more to live for.
it is okay if you didn't get good grades.
it is okay if you didn't get the job you wanted.
it is okay if the person you love doesn't love you back.
it is absolutely okay.
if those kind of things motivate you to give up, then what kind of life are you leading?
this world is temporary and so are we.
so let's live and make the best of every moment we get. even if it is just for today.

This does not poetry about love but it is intended to provide motivation.
I hope you guys like it.

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