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gemma —

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i think it's in my blood. perhaps oozing throughout my dna to help those in every way possible if they mean the most to me. so when her screams filled the room that tormented my mind i couldn't help but fight with every breath in me. nessa cries now when i charge at the vampire that hurts her only to be halted when one of them hold me down. i shout just as loud when sobs now escape my voice. i try with every possible piece of strength within me to stop the actions that tortured my coven sister.

"do something! someone!" i whimper out causing the sudden actions of ethan to stand up and dodge the hits of mara. his head moving side to side and taking the first wooden chair to block a punch from the undead being. she breaks it causing the new found piece of lumber to become a weapon as he stabs it in her. dean and finn both linking their power to halt the actions of the man that holds me down. this time the man genuinely yelling from the pain as i combine my own magic as well.

that leaves anastasia and grayson to attempt to rid of the last vampire. anastasia shouting a powerful spell that could not only harm the leader of the three but herself as well. i know it pains her when blood begins to ripple from her nose and ears. it does an effect on the oldest vampire as she removes her grip on nessa who falls unconsciously on the floor due to the pain. when i notice her power begin to dwindle away i shout the chants as well when all at once rena gives us one last piercing scream to fill the room and she lays dead on the floor.

the only one to truly escape being of the man who speeded out the door. this leaves the walls we were all within being hushed until another body falls to the floor which was of anastasia. my legs run to the both of the girls as i check for a pulse of the both of them.

"we have to get them to the hospital right now. grayson get your car." i state in a frantic tone as tears still fall from my now blurry vision due to the wetness. i know it is ethan that rubs my back when i cry softly. "they're going to be okay, they're going to okay."


i don't believe that i was the one to hate hospitals but instead hate the reasons needed for it. the actions behind these injuries and the dejection that came with it as a side effect. and that was what caused my leg to shake up and down. to have my fingers fiddle with any loose strands of fabric on my jean shorts or to try to attempt focusing on one thing within the room.

i had no desire to speak to anyone that also sat there waiting as well and perhaps it was because of my anxiety being suddenly uprisen. and i made sure to make that evident when i took two seats away from these individuals. "gem, maybe you should wash your hands. there's still blood on them and-"

"no i'm good. i just need to wait." i state not even paying attention to who the voice comes from. i just stare in front of me but glance down at my palms that was painted with the crimson color. however i was soon distracted from that fact when i notice a doctor walk through the doors which lets me jump up and begin to walk near him. "are they okay?" i ask too quickly and the man sadly smiles but then nods.

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