"We're Vampires..."

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~~~~~~~ Next Morning ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up at like 10:00 in the morning, remembering what Jonah Said last night, I took a quick shower and changed into some of the clothes that I have been given. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and said a quick "Good morning" to everyone. Once I sat down at the breakfast bar, Corbyn handed me a plate of Waffles and Bacon, as I thanked him, and started eating. Once I was done Daniel asked me to join them in the living and sit down on the couch, and I did as told, while they all stood in front of me. 

"What do y'all want to talk about?" 

"Well, um... there's not  really anyway of saying this but, we're vampires." Said Corbyn 

"Ha, very funny, that's a funny joke." 

"We're not lying." said Jonah 

"And I should believe you, why?" 

"Because we are, we promise and there's an explanation to this, if your willing to hear." Jack said 

"Fine, I guess I have time." 

"Well for starters your last name is not Coker, It's Bois (pronounced Boy)-" I cut him off before anything else "No my name is Chicago Rae Coker, Not Chicago Rae Bois" 

"Well, your 'parents' aren't your real parents, your real parents were the King and Queen of vampires so that makes you the Princess, but they died fighting in a war during the time you were born and they asked us to watch over you, while you were with your 'parents'." "wait so that makes me a vampire?" "Kind of, see you have to train,but you didn't and so your body forgot every need, so now to become a full vampire, like us I would have to bite your neck to spread the venom into your system, then you would turn. But back to the other story your also my mate, and before you ask what that is, it's when you are soulmates with that person, and basically each others true love." 

"This is a lot to take in, can I go to my room, to think about this a little bit." "Of course" I walked upstairs to my room and flopped down on my bed , my mind racing with so many questions. 

"So I basically a half vampire, my parents aren't my real parents, I'm Jonahs mate, and I'm a princess."

My thoughts got interrupted by someone knocking on my door, "Come in" I said to whoever it was, and it was of course, Jonah. 

"How are you?" he asked probably knowing I'm close to having a breakdown. "Well I found out my parents aren't my real parents, I was kidnapped, I'm princess, my real parents are dead and, I have a mate." "Ya, I'm sorry we had to kidnap you." "It's cool, I mean y'all actually care about me unlike my 'parents' so that makes me feel better." I was now on the verge of crying, I tried to stop it but they resisted my wishes, started flowing down my cheeks. And Jonah just sat there holding me in his arms comforting me, which helped me calm down. "It's getting late you should probably sleep, you had a long day." "Wait Jonah could you stay with me." "Of course" with that he lied down next to me, kissed my forehead and said "Good night" and I fell asleep, with my mind racing with so many unanswered questions. 

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