"A failed redo of earlier."

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~~~~~~~Same Day~~~~~~~

When I woke up I was laying in my bed, with all the guys surrounding me. I didn't know what was going on, until all the memories of a few hours ago came rushing back to me all at once, the hunger for blood, something going into my neck, and falling into an abyss. "What happened?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I sat up. "Um, well I wasn't strong enough to hold you back before running away and so Jack injected a sleeping agent into your neck so we could teach you how to hunt without any distractions, because we are the few vampires who don't go killing people, also here this should satisfy your need for blood for little while." Jonah said handing me a cup with blood in it. I took it and drank it all in a matter of a few seconds. "So we will go back out there, and learn what powers you have." Daniel said while I nodded, and followed everyone to the same forest, we were at a little while ago.

when we all stopped, Jonah said "Well lets figure this out." I nodded "Ok, so we know that you have super speed, and super strength, but let's see if you have healing first." "k" I replied and Jonah walked over to Daniel and asked him to break his arm "Um I will not let you have a broken arm if I can't do this." "We have Zach remember." he said "Oh yaaa" after I heard the snap of his arm breaking I walked over and Zach said "Now hover your hands over his arm, like your protecting it, and think that you want his broken arm to be fixed, and focus on that and if you have the power it should be fixed." I nod and do what he says and I surprisingly have the power when I was done I jumped up and said "Oh my gosh I did it!" "Good job, Chicago. Let's see if you can tell the future." I walked over to Jack and he said "You need to drown everything out, and just listen to what you hear from the moon goddess." I did just what he said and drowned everything out and I saw that Zach would trip over a tree branch." I let go of that dimension and asked Zach to come over to me so I could tell him, he nodded and when he was walking to me he tripped over a branch, just like the vision. Then I suddenly got another one, it was where everyone was on the ground knocked out and I was falling to the ground. I looked up and they all looked worried and just then someone came up behind Corbyn and stuffed a black rag looking thing into his mouth and then it happened to everyone else, then just as I was about to run over to Jonah, I to blacked out....

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