YMBG! - 4

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YMBG! - 4

"Look what you just did!" Tao shouted. He was eating his fries harshly, swallowing and almost about to puke. Kris then gave him a orange juice.

"Well, it wasn't my fault to start a conflict inside the class, you are. And then the teacher told us to go outside and asked what we did and then we didn't answer. And then she told us that we should pass our project early than the other pairs, the week after next week to be exact. And now, I'm the one you're blaming?" Rin then started to bite her cheese burger that she brought from he canteen.

"Whoa whoa! Look who's talking?"


"What?" Tao repeated.

"You two should start working on your project, I suggest...?" Kris interrupted. Both of their heads turned to Kris, who was sitting on Rin's left and Tao on her right.

"Why should I work this brat?" Both of them said together. Rin then turned her head to Tao, about complained for copying her sentence but it was a wrong move because when she had turned her head, she almost kiss Tao. Their faces was 1 inch apart. Rin then looked away then blushed at the moment, Tao also did the same.

"See? There's no difference..." The guys whispered while looking at them, both.

"Difference what?" Tao asked. Sehun then brought up the book that Kyungsoo was reading for a while now. Actually Kyungsoo was reading a math book, understanding every word problems in it, since he didn't understand any of them.

"We... Mean this... Animals... And.."

"No! It's the..."

"The numbers!" Chanyeol snapped at them for trying to find a way out. Sehun and Baekhyun then agreed.

"Hmm." Tao just hummed. He then continue to eat his cake.

Rin, on the other hand, just stayed quiet while she eats. She doesn't understand why but she feel a bit of pain in her heart. Her heart is pounding real hard when she almost kiss Tao, almost in front of his friends. She put her hand on her chest for a moment and feel the struggling of it, never stoping, it won't be calmed since she's beside Tao. Thoughts started to float her mind.

What if I had a... Crush on- 

No! No! No! It can't be? I'm inlove? 

No! I like Kris! But... What's this feeling? 

I don't understand! 

I can't understand it at all! 

I won't be able to understand love! 

What is love, anyway?

She sighed at the moment. She don't know why she did that though. But she need to focus on their project. It will be passed soon. Time always flew faster that you think it is. 

Anyway, where should we plan our project?


Tao, who's sitting on his chair, think deeply about what just happened in the canteen. But then his heart starters to pump loudly, enough for Rin, who's sitting beside him, to hear. He put his hand on his chest and clutched it. He didn't know why it suddenly pounds crazily than normal. He just know that when he thinks of Rin, his heart go wild and crazy.

"Get one fourth sheet of paper. We have a quiz." The teacher said as she entered the room with her pile of notebooks from other class, maybe. 

Tao panicked a little. He forgot his paper in his house. He look at Rin and saw that she had a pad of it. He hesitated first but he don't have a choice not to ask.



"Can I have a..." Tao then pointed a the pad of paper that was place on Rin's table.

"Oh! Yes. Here you go." 

"Thanks." Tao muttered with his low voice.

"Oh! It's your first time saying thanks to me! Your welcome." Rin then smiled at him. It was a bright and a beautiful smile she always give everyone she greets in the morning. It wasn't fake. It was a sincere one.

Tao hung his mouth a little, seeing Rin's smiling face. Then his heart went go crazy. Crazy over a smile like that. He then looked away, knowing that his face must be burning up.

After the quiz, the teacher then collected the paper and randomly gave it to everyone in class. Tao received Kris's paper and was a bit happy for just a simple fate. Rin gets the paper of Tao but hides it to him when Tao asked her who she had received. While Kris have Rin's paper. They started to check their paper. It was a twenty item quiz. Rin was laughing when the checking has ended. 

Tao only got eleven. After all, he wasn't prepared for the quiz. He always had a perfect or only two mistakes for a quiz. Tao notice this and secretly took a glance on Rin's checked paper. His eyes expanded when he saw his name written on that paper and seeing his score, makes him want to hide inside a hole.

"Give it to the owner." The teacher announced to the class. Rin stopped, knowing she had to face Tao. But then she just fight and have courage to give it to him.

"Here. It's eleven."

"Can you give this to Kris?" Tao gets his paper and handed Kris's. Rin then get the paper and looked over the score. It's eighteen.

"Whoa..." Rin uttered.

"Here's yours, Rin." Kris said at the back of Rin for she was still facing Tao. She then turned and get her paper, excitedly. But when she looked at her score, she frowned. Seeing she only has ten.

"Hahaha! I thought your smart?" Tao tease.

"I wasn't prepared! And also I hate math." Rin defended.

"And what about you? Your eleven though." Rin continued.

"I didn't prepare for a quiz."

"Then, we're the same." Rin concluded.

Then, Rin turned to Kris and started to talk about their score. Kris laughed when he heard Rin's excuse why she had that score. Kris also showed off his excellence in class. Tao laughed a bit.

It's better when it's like this. When everything's not awkward between us. When we always fight over the smallest things. When we ended up fighting and getting scolded by teachers. It's better. Tao had thought.

By the way, where should we plan our project?

YMBG! - 4 [END]

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