"Is that my shirt?"

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You cheered as your boyfriend hits a home run. “Yes, go babe!” you call out and stand up and clap. People around you were cheering along and you couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face. He ran around the bases, and as he made it back to home he looked at you and smiled with a wink. You giggled, watching as he goes over to the boys and gets numerous high fives or bro hugs, they had just won the game, meaning they would be going to the finals. You sat down, smiling as the team goes to high five the other team. “That was amazing” Hannah said, sitting next to you. “I know, I’m so proud of him” you smile, looking at the boy as him and his teammates excitedly talk about the game. She chuckles a bit, looking at you. “You two are so in love, it’s adorable” she smiles. You blush and bite your lip. “Maybe a little” you giggle a bit as she nods. 

You looked out at your boyfriend, who had the biggest smile on his face, and couldn’t help but admire him a bit. He looked at you and ran over and wrapped his arms around you. “We did it! We won!” He said, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggled and hugged him. “I’m so proud of you babe” you say truthfully, “that was amazing” you smiled and kissed him gently. “We need to celebrate” you smile at him.

He sets you down and smiles. “I was thinking we could do an indoor date night to celebrate. No parties, just me and you.” He smiles. “We can build a little fort and we can watch movies all night and talk, maybe go get a milkshake at Rosie’s, but other than that just have a night in.” He smiles. You giggle a bit. “That doesn’t sound like celebrating but I definitely would love that.” You smile and peck his lips. He pecks yours back, holding your hand. “Oh trust me, it will feel like it. A night with my girl always makes me feel celebrated” he smiles. You roll your eyes playfully at his cheesy comment but smile. “Glad I can do that for you Atkins, see you in 45 minutes?” You ask, giving him time to get ready and do what he needs to. He nods and squeezes your hand. “See you in 45 minutes” he promises and kisses you once more before leaving.

You smile and leave as well, going home to get ready. You put on some shorts that were like sweats and one of Jeff’s baseball tee’s. It was a very comfortable outfit and you wore it a lot. His shirt still smelled like him and it was so baggy on you and you loved the soft material. It brought you comfort, you just really like his clothes.

You played on your phone for the next little bit, waiting for the text that says he is outside. When you get it, you say bye to who is home and you go meet him in the car. You kiss him as you get in. “Hi babe” you smile. “Hey princess” he says, looking at you. He looks at you a bit confused but a small smile is placed on his face. “Is that my shirt?” he asks, smiling a bit more as you blush. “Yeah it is, I like wearing it” you say. He smiles. “It looks amazing on you babe, a lot better than it did on me” he compliment as he drives. You roll your eyes, smiling at his compliment. “Nah, but thank you” you look at him. “I wonder what you would look like in one of my hoodies, like you look amazing in that, you would look amazing in a hoodie” he says, causing you to giggle. “Why thank you Atkins, I’m glad you approve of this. I’ll have to steal a hoodie when I go over today and we can test that out next” you smile. 

You two get to his house, and he comes and opens the door for you before taking your hand and you guys go inside. The living room was all set up, a little fort was made out of couch cushions, the TV was set to Netflix, there was pizza and all kinds of sweets in the fort. You smiled, looking at him. “This looks amazing, thank you for getting this together” you kiss him gently. “I wish I could take the credit but it was really my mom’s doing. I built the fort but” he starts and smiles. You giggle. “Remind me to thank her later when I see her” you say, knowing his parents were out now.

You two climb in the fort, getting cozy as you wrap the blankets around you two. You start off with a classic disney movie as you two begin to eat the food around you. You two sing the songs in the wrong key and quote the movie together and just enjoy each others company. You don’t pay as much attention to the second movie, too busy talking to each other and kissing here and there. All his kisses were soft and gentle, the kind that made you fall for him more. As you guys were about to pick the next movie he turns to you. “Let’s go get those milkshakes instead” he smiles. You smile and nod. “Yeah, let’s do it” you say and you two get up and make your way to Rosies.

You arrive and go order the usual milkshake to share and sit in a booth across from each other. He smiles. “What has been the best part of your day?” he asks as you guys wait for the milkshake. “Hm, probably watching you kill it in your game today. You were incredible” you smile, holding his hand from across the table. He smiles and blushes a bit. “Awe thank you” he says and kisses your hand gently. “What was the best part of your day?” You asked, expecting it to be about the game. He thinks for a bit. “Winning was definitely cool, but learning that you look adorable in my clothes was the best part.” He smiles, making you blush. You giggle a bit. “You are so cute” you say and rub gentle circles on his hand. “Nah that’s you” he says, making you smile.

The milkshake comes out and you guys end up spending most of the night talking there. It was one of the best nights of your lives, getting to know each other more and just being together was always a highlight, and tonight was definitely a night to remember with the soft spoken words and the endless laughter and the way you two just seemed to glow. It was perfect, and you almost wished the night would never end.

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