Chapter 8

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Monday = School, ugh I wake up not looking forward to it.

Walking around the house like a zombie, no one was home so my motivation was 0.

About to leave the house and realizing i didn't have my phone or should i say Zayn's phone, rushing back in to get it cause i knew El would be dying to read any further messages, and me explaining them to her just wouldn't do. Checking the phone whilst power walking to the bustop, Zayn sure was popular last night, 5 missed calls and 8 text messages from a girl going by the name of Ashley. Who was this girl? My chances were probably lower now, i thought to myself, I tried not to taking any notice to them though.

Once sitting down next to El on the bus, i barely got a Hello before she snatched the phone out of my hand and wanted all the goss, someone was eager. As she read through the messages, she squeaked and gasped. I then showed her texts from the mysterious Ashley gal, and El tried to assure me that I have nothing to worry about and suggesting we could reply as Zayn, but privacy i thought.

Finally arriving at Erins High, luckily cause i think two little sticky beaks in our year were starting to eavesdrop.

The day dragged on and but I found out that Ashley was a girl he meet on the plane here and they had like two datesbut she got clingy and odd so he doesn't know what to do and just to ingore it. The guy probably gets many of these, people these days.

That afternoon I had work so that meant having to walk, on the way I realized that Jaz and Effie, the girls that were sitting behind El and I on the bus were walking a few metres behind me, giggling and whispering in each others ears.  I was almost at work when they approached me, 'Since when did you like One Direction? hissed Jaz,  'Awhile, since when does it matter?'  I knew they must of overheard some of our conversation on the bus, hopefully nothing about the phone business and then came the comments like 'As if Zayn would talk to you, you liar', 'Don't get your hopes up sweetheart, he won't even remember you!', 'Go back to been depressed and lonely, you miserable sob'. Trying to hold back the tears, i shouldn't let them get to me. I just wanted to prove to them that Zayn does remember me, he even wants to see me again but I held in it, for Zayn's sake.

When I got to work, I turned the phone off and chucked it in my bag, and tried to forget about it all. I decided that I'd just give the tickets to El and Beth and let them hand the phone over, swiping all possibilities out of my head before getting hurt.

I worked till 6 and was exhausted. Still having to catch the bus home cause Mum worked and with no one else around, it was the only option. Public transport sucks! My current situation sucks!

Zayn P.O.V

'Why isn't she replying, Niall?' , ' I'm sure there is a reason , keep calm man. Why's it such a big deal anyways?'  yawned Niall. 'Because, because it just does! Boys, We have to make a slight detour'. What? They choured back, 'But i'm hungry'  whinged Niall.

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