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Don't look back

Jimin's pov

The three words don't look back haunt me and bring me strength. This place makes me insane. Well more then I already am. When Yoongi left I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to end it all. It's okay though. Right? Wrong! I really hurt hobi hyung. I always seem to hurt them.

--9 years ago--

"Please stop. I'm sorry." I choked out.

My parents were once again throwing whatever they can at me. From a pillow to last night's beer bottles. It never seems to end. It only ends for s few hours when they go to the bar.

I waited until they left. They wait is always the longest because I never know when they will leave or even if they will leave.

Eventually they do and I take that time to run to the park. The park is such a common place for people who are hurting to go. For some they find security in it. Some are looking for help. For me it's the only way I am safe and happy. For two reasons o feel that way one Hoseok and Yoongi come and two the nature here is beautiful.

People don't appreciate nature anymore. They take a photo of it add a depressing caption and post it somewhere on social media. They only see nature as something depressing. I see all of the beauty. The way the birds sing and the trees flow with the wind. It's very calming.

"Jimin-ah!" I heard a distant Yoongi yell.

I turned around and smiled as I watched him and Hoseok run towards me.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok was the first to ask.

"No." I told them honestly.

There is no point in lying to them. They are the people I love and trust. Also the only person I am really lying to is myself.

"Jiminie the next time they try to do that run away from them and don't look back." Yoongi told me with a straight face.


Later the next day I tried that. Wrong move I made there. They were pissed. Beat me to the point where I was nearly conscious. When I met Yoongi later that day I couldn't help but take me anger out on him. I beat him. He could only look at me and smile saying that he deserved it. I cried at his words. He didn't deserve it at all. He was just trying to help me out. When Hoseok found out he was slightly mad but I never blamed him. I wonder how they stayed with me this whole time. I've hurt them enough.

--4 years ago--

A loud smack rung thought the empty hallways. They were beating up Hoseok. I jumped in trying to help, but only ended up with a fist in my face and a foot in my stomach.

"Ji..min please..run and..don't look back..I will be fine." Hoseok coughed out.

What did I do? I ran. I fucking ran like the little bitch I am.

I'm so sorry Hoseok Hyung.


I've hurt them a lot and they stood with me through it all. I know they will come for me. They always have and always will. I'm counting on them. Please don't let me down.

Their age right now is
Jimin: 19
Hoseok: 21
Yoongi: 22

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