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Third person pov
Loud bangs can be heard through the empty halls, along with a cry of pain following it. They never seem to stop until the victim is about to take their last breath.

Sadly this is hoseok's life.
How much more can one take until they give up?
Every move he makes hurts him more then a thousand needles.
He wants to tell someone that he is hurting, but he is scared. Wouldn't you be scared if you were beaten to near death everyday?

It won't be much longer until his two favorite people arrive. The two people he loves.

Hoseok knows his friends are close when he hears the loud and fast footsteps their shoes make against the school floors.

"Jimin, Yoongi. Please help me." Hoseok can barely whisper out.

It hurts him more than anyone can imagine. Just taking a small breath of oxygen sends a shooting pain through his ribs.

He feels the eyes of pity his friends give him. Most people would hate it; not Hoseok though. He loves the feeling of their eyes on him. It makes him feel like someone actually cares.
He loves the feeling when Jimin picks him up like a glass doll that can break with any wrong movement. He loves the feeling of Yoongi's hands running through his hair. He loves the sound of their heavy breaths and fast heart beats. He loves them. You could say Hoseok loves both Jimin and Yoongi more then just friends. If only he knew they felt the same way as him.
For Jimin he loves holding Hoseok in his arms. He just wishes it could be when Hoseok isn't in this state. He loves the look of concern that fills Yoongi's eyes when he sees the bruises that cover both Jimin's and Hoseok's body. Jimin is almost like Hoseok. He loves it when both Yoongi and Hoseok look at him with worried filled eyes. He feels like he actually belongs in the world.

Yoongi loves to look at Jimin and Hoseok. He finds them to be the finest art in the world. When he is with them he feels like he isn't being neglected all the time. He loves the dimples that pop up on Hoseok's face when he smiles. He lives for Jimin's crescent eyed smiles. He loves them for them.

"After today you guys will be free from this school." Jimin's words are laced with sadness as he speaks.

Despite the sadness laced in his voice, Hoseok and Yoongi fall harder for the boy. To the two, Jimin's voice is better then a thousand angels singing.

"Don't worry we won't leave you" is all Yoongi can say with a gentle smile.
"Guys lets all runaway"

Alright many might be confused. Go reread chapter
Z E R O for I have just ajusted it.

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