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Jimin's POV

The ringing gets louder in my head.
It feels like it's surrounding me.
It hurts, it's almost like someone stabbing me.
I try to block the sound out by covering my ears but it keeps getting louder and louder.
Now it's to the point that every breath I take hurts when I hear it.
It's almost high pitched.
Please make it stop.

I try to press my hands harder down onto my ears. I just want the noise to stop.

I start to scratch at my face and ears just to try and distract myself.

It only got louder and I only ended up with scratches the will soon scab over.

The doctors are going to put more needles in me when they see this.

I never know what they put in me. All I know is that a feel heavy afterwards.

God I want this all to end.

Yoongi and Hoseok no longer want me, the ringing is getting louder, my face is now covered in blood.

How much more do I have to suffer til it's finally over?

Im sorry this is long overdue but I just don't have any inspiration to write at the moment. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this tho.

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