High in the clouds sitting first class

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"I don't know why I do this to myself every time." I questioned to myself as I sat on the floor, the night before our flight, with our suitcases and clothes laid out in front of me. I was currently trying to pack all of our clothes and equipment while Elton was currently sitting in our bedroom doorway throwing a tennis ball down the hallway for the dogs to fetch. I had almost all of Elton's clothes packed when Circa came running past Elton into the room and plopped the tennis ball into my lap. This action led Jager, our one year old sheltie, to follow.

"Babe, please can you do that literally anywhere other then in this room?" I took the ball and threw it at him, making the dogs turn their attention back to their father. "I just washed all this and its going to have dog hair on it." I put the last bit of equipment in his suitcase buried along his clothes as padding, before zipping it up. Elton rolled his eyes but nodded anyway before getting up and walking down the hall.

I still had no information on where we were going, or even what time we were flying tomorrow. Now I love Elton, very much and I trust him with more then my life, but the whole situation made me very nervous. I don't know any details which makes it very hard to plan outfits, or even mentally prepare for the trip. To say I was stressing was an understatement. It took me another hour to fully back both of us up and pull our cases to the bottom on the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to grab some water when I looked out the back window to see Elton sitting on our outdoor lounge, with both dogs laying their heads on his legs. I smiled and made my way out to him. I moved Jager out of the way before sitting next to Elton.

'Packing is complete! Now will you tell me what time we leave tomorrow?' I signed completely too exhausted to even speak. He looked at me and shook his head no.

'The boys will be here at 1, and the...the...' He signed and then fumbled and then spoke up "Taxi....taxi I always forget...." I smiled and signed taxi to him, to while he mimicked it back to me. 'taxi will pick us up at 1:30.' I nodded and stared at him. 'I promise you will love this trip.' He moved his hands to speak before taking my hands in his own.

"Trust me." He whispered


The cameras were in full swing from the second I woke up that day. Typical of a TFIL trip, however on top of my anxiety for the day, to say I was getting annoyed was an understatement. We managed to get to the airport with enough time not to rush through check in and security for once in our TFIL lifetime. I don't know how but Elton and the boys managed to get me all the way through security with out me seeing our boarding passes. Which was hard considering I tried to steal everyone's boarding pass in hopes of seeing where our flight was going to take us.

"Okay, now that we have gotten past security," Elton stood behind his giant camera, pointing it at the group of us, mostly focusing on me, "we need to blindfold you until we get to the gate." I quickly rolled my eyes and went to protest when Jay spoke up for me.

"She's already deaf, you're going to take away her sight too?" I had trouble making out the tone  his sentence completely but I knew it was a joke as everyone laughed.

'Babe, come on! Can we not?' I signed trying to give him the best puppy dog eyes possible, getting as close to both him and the camera for that sympathy vote.

"Fine," he smiled at me "No blindfold but at least close your eyes and let one of them guide you to our gate." I gave a playful horrified look to the camera before shaking my head and trying to run away, but Colby caught me. I crossed my arms and gave a pout to the camera for effect before closing my eyes and allowing Colby to lead me to the gate. 

How anyone allowed this through an airport I will never know. It looked as if I was being kidnapped and forced to fly away with these five childish men with cameras. But none the less this was LAX and well the crazy doesn't stop just because you're flying away from LA. The short minute walk to the gate was filled with talking and laughter from the boys. I tried to follow anything of what they were saying but even with my hearing aids it was hard. I could tell they were making the same jokes I was about how this whole situation must look to a bystander, but with out looking at them talking I knew it was useless to try to contribute to the conversation. 

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