Ruined surprise

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I slowly began to come to consciousness before fully opening my eyes. I took a few second to look around the hotel room, allowing myself to figure out why my body was awake while it was still dark out. It was then I noticed the slight pain that was forming in my head and face as my breathing was only happening out of one stuffed nostril. I swallowed hard only to notice the scratch in my throat that was not a comforting sign with what else I was feeling. I reached out to the bedside table to light up my phone to see the time.

"4:25" I gave a deep sign rolling to my back looking over to Eltons sleeping form before closing my eyes trying to think what was in my toiletry bag that might be able to help me in this situation. I laid there for another minute before I moved to get out of bed. I managed to get out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom where my bag was sitting. I closed the door and turned on the light. I took a second to look in the mirror at my reflection. I pressed my fingers to my pale cheeks moving them up and around the side of my face rubbing my temples as I went. I let out an audible sigh before reaching for a tissue to blow my nose.

This only gave slight relief before the throbbing in my head reminded me of the bigger picture. I washed my hands before diving into my bag. I found some medicine and took it. I stood at the sink my hands on the counter and closed my eyes for a second.

This could not be happening. I felt completely stuffed up, scratchy throat, and a massive head ache. I sighed and opened my eyes to look at my pale reflection again. I quickly grabbed the box of tissues before shutting the light and walking back into the bedroom. I walked to the side table to grab my iPad before quietly sneaking out of the room and into the main room I made myself a cup of tea before curling up on the sofa putting on a youtube video in hopes that I would fall back asleep soon. I only got about 5 minutes and 25 tissues into a Shane Dawson conspiracy video before falling back to sleep.

I fell into a dreamless sleep, one of those sleeps where you don't even realize you fell asleep until you've woken back up. But I was really woken up by the feeling of a hand on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with may scruffy bearded man I call my love. I studied his face for a second. It was dressed with concern and soft sympathy.

"I woke up to your alarm and you weren't there. I was worried." He signed knowing my hearing aids weren't present. He then moved his hand to feel my cheeks to continue checking if I had a fever. "You feel okay?" I took a second to do the little sick test. You know the test, the sniff of the nose, the swallow of the throat, and the second to see if theres any pain radiating from the skull. I frowned and sat up next to Elton, putting my hand on his arm as the world went dizzy for a second before rushing pain and pressure to my ears.

'Time?' I asked my signs being lazier then normal. 

'6:40' He signed back and I nodded my head.

'I woke up at 4;30 with a headache, stuffy nose, and my throat hurting. I took medication, and my head feels better but I'm still all' I signed before trying to breathe but you could audibly hear how stuffed I was, 'and theres pressure ears' I signed giving him a frown. He gave me a sad smile before taking me in his arms giving me a hug. He scooped me in his arms, blanket and tissues in all and carried me back to our room, laying me on my side of the bed. I snuggled back into my pillow watching him.

'Do you still wanna go today?' He asked sitting on the bed next to me putting his hand on my leg as I nodded.

'I want to at least try," I signed before grabbing a tissue and blowing my nose again. 'At least the morning, I don't want to ruin the surprise later though, or our date night!"

'We can always reschedule our date night to tomorrow in Naples' Elton suggested and I made a sad face 'Its fine I rather have you better for the rest of the trip then to have you sick.' I nodded remembering we still had another week and half of traveling and exploring. Elton and I had made a deal that I would go with everyone this morning to sight see and at lunch would decide the rest of the day. I got up with Elton and we got ready for the day before walking out to meet up with everyone in the main room to go down to breakfast.

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