A challenge

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Elton and the boys had headed down to breakfast as I finished getting ready. I had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep after our date last night, and it was taking me a while to actually get moving this morning. I finished putting on my mascara for the day before tucking a piece of loose hair back into the braid it fell from.

'This is as good as its going to get' I told myself before grabbing my phone and my wallet and walking out of our suite and heading down to breakfast. I walked in the breakfast room grabbing myself a tea and some fruit before walking out to the patio where the boys were seated at a table. I watched as Sam saw me first and quickly all the boys stopped their conversation and turned to look at me.

"Morning babe," Elton said as I sat in the empty chair between him and Heath. I smiled as waved still not having the energy to actually act like a human.

"Wow Elton, you wore her out good last night!" Heath said making a joke as I turned and smacked him lightly upside the head. "Hey! Not nice." He scolded me as I rolled my eyes.

"We got in late last night." Elton said trying to defend our actions however it was no use. Silence fell over the group as I ate, and everyone played on their phones or fiddled with cameras.

"So babe," I said getting Eltons attention "Whats on the agenda today?" All the boys smiled as Elton of course picked up the camera once again pointing it at me and Heath.

"Its day two in Naples, We are just finishing breakfast," Elton panned the camera around the table setting the scene for the viewers at home. "I have a challenge for today." I looked at him raising my eyebrow before looking around the table at the smiling faces around me. "We are going to split in two teams, Which are already pre-picked." This caused a groan across the table from both Sam and Colby. I couldn't help but giggle, anytime we did teams we always broke up the power couple that is Solby. "Its Jay, Sam, and myself against Hannah, Heath, and Colby."

"Yeah Baby!!! We gonna win!" Heath yelled giving both myself and Colby a high five. "Dream team!"

"So you think," Elton said from behind the camera, before continuing. "We are going to see who is going to have the most fun day. I have planned our day and Heath has planned out your day. Each will have a camera and at dinner we will find out who had the more fun day."

"Wait do we get to know what the others have planned?" Sam asked basically reading my mind.

"No, that would be cheating." Heath said in a "duh" tone.

"Is there a prize?" Colby asked "Or what do you have planned for the loser is the better question." I let out a small giggle knowing Elton and Heath the loser probably had to stay somewhere scary or stupid overnight, or do something stupid.

"Loser has to spend the night in the Catacombs we visited last night." Everyones face went into shock and horror, "I got permission and losing team gets to spend the night down in the Catacombs."

"I mean it'd make a sick video," Sam said "Elton lets just lose that'd be great content for all our channels" Elton agreed as I shook my head at the way they think everything is content.

"Well,"Elton said standing, "Since my team was ready this morning we can head out early." Sam and Jay stood from their seats as well. Elton leaded down giving me a kiss before leading the boys out of the patio and was I can only assume is out of the hotel as well.

"Be Safe!" I yelled after them only receiving a half wave from Elton in acknowledgment before they disappeared out of sight. I turned back to Heath and Colby who now had a camera out as well. "So what did you plan?"

"Baby we having a girls day." Heath said as both me and Colby gave him a confused look. "We have appointments at the hotels spa. Facials, massages, full body salt scrub and mud mask, sauna, and finished with mani/pedis."

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