It's a Prank

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Elton and I sat in our backyard lounge fire pit rolling a small fire, as we brain stormed ideas for the wedding. It had been about two months since we had gotten engaged, and although we didn't want to rush a wedding we also wanted to get married as soon as we could.

'So no church, what about outside park?' Elton signed

'Rain?' I questioned back

'Outdoors always risk weather.' He countered I gave him a small stink eye and then nodded in agreement.

'How many people we inviting?' Elton kinda shrugged at my question.

'Family' he pointed to both of us, 'the squad, the old house, our friends." He paused and then shrugged, '100...200?' I widened my eyes at him before sitting up so that I was leaning closer to him.

'You want big fancy wedding?' I asked looking into his eyes for an answer. He took my hands in his rubbing his thumb over my knuckles softly.

"Babe, I want whatever you want." I watched his lips form the words and mine moved into a smile. "We can go down to the courthouse tomorrow, if you want. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I don't care how it happens just so long as it does." I stared into his eyes for a second before mine lit up with excitement.

I had a plan, a plan I quickly shared with Elton who agreed to it immediately. We both agreed on the small details and started putting our plan into action.

In order for our plan to work we needed to let Heath and Mariah in on the plan. They were our closest friends. To say they were both excited to help was an understatement.

We also needed a venue, for that we needed the help of Mr Sam Golbach. He had played such a great part of the engagement and keeping it a secret from everyone we knew we could trust him with helping us as well.

We next sent out our invitations. Simple cards, being very vague. On one side it read, "Dress simple, yet classy. On this day at this time at this address." And on the back it had a picture of a camera with the saying "Vlogging is encouraged."

We knew it was short notice, giving out the invitations just a month and a half in advance, however this was more for our closest friends and family. To be honest it would really end up being more our friends, and we will do something more with family later, but we expected that.

As the day grew closer I had found my dress and we had finalized the details. We went to the courthouse just. Few days before, with Heath and Mariah as witness to get our marriage license. I stared at Elton as he signed the license, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be standing next to him, and just in a few short days I would be Mrs. Elton Castee, and I could not wait.

The next few days I did nothing but toss and turn. It wasn't until the night before when I had gotten some real sleep. I had been so utterly exhausted that by that time I wanted nothing more then to sleep. It was hard to wake up the next day but knowing I was going to be meeting up with Elton in just a few short hours made it a little easier.

I arrived at the house and was quickly brought upstairs to start to get ready. Myself, Mariah, and, Devyn just hanging out waiting. I had recruited Devyn to do my make up since I was way to nervous to do it myself.

I couldn't help but smile as I hear the noise from down stairs get louder. I looked at the clock and smiled, not much longer I would be walking down to join everyone. I got dressed in my white and baby pink floral floor length dress. I slipped on some sandals, before nodding to the girls that they could go down stairs and I would be down shortly.

I took this small time to myself to look myself over in the mirror before smiling and walking out the door. I walked down the hall way and down the stairs only to be met half way down the stairs by Sam.

"Ready?" He asked signing his word as well as he gave me a big smile. I nodded and put out his arm for me to take. I hooked my hand around his arm and he lead me down the rest of the stairs. He lead me through the kitchen of his own house, and to a small living room where I could look out the window to the backyard where all of our friends had gathered.

Everyone we had sent an invitation to was there. The squad, the rest of the trapp house, our youtube friends, and even some others we sent as long shot invites had shown up. I couldn't help but smile as my heart filled with joy. I watched out the window as the scene which we had so carefully made up started to take place.

I watched as Heath and Elton Climbed up the make shift diving platform that had be resurrected over the deep end of the pool. I watched as Elton pretended to give a speech about why everyone was there. That was my cue to make an entrance. I walked out back through the house and into the back yard.

"Don't jump with out me!" I said loudly, making my way from the back of the crowd towards the diving platform myself. Elton helped me climb but before he wrapped his hands around my waste holding me tight on the platform.

"We didn't agree on a pool engagement party" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Well good this its not an engagement party," Elton now had everyones attention, "Its a wedding!!" He said as we both turned to look at the shocked faces in the crowd. Judging by some faces I knew there were audible gasps as well as some words said but I just smiled.

"Vlogging is encouraged, but please if you all will gather around the pool, or at least just look up I would like to get these two married." Heath said bringing me and Elton from and center and starting with the script in his hands.

We had surprised all of our friends, by planning a wedding this way. Heath had gotten ordained online, and agreed to marry us, and we just figured we would invite our friends over and just tie the knot. Sam let us use the house to accommodate everyone, and we let everyone else vlogg the whole thing.

Heath made the whole this short and sweet and before I knew it he was introducing us as mr and mrs Elton Castee. Elton quickly pulled me into a soft kiss before pulling away slightly so our foreheads were together.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back before moving to kiss him again. I could hear and feel the love and cheers coming from our friends below us. I smiled as Elton picked me up and then jumped off the platform and into the pool.

No I wasn't mad this was preplanned. We had resurfaced, and Elton pulled me close to kiss me once more. Thats it I was married to my best friend in a small quiet way, with all of our friends around, and cameras rolling to catch a part of the magic.

This is my life and future and I can't wait to see what it holds.

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