Going viral

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It felt like forever but realistically was only a few seconds. I looked again at the ring and back to Elton.

"Seriously?" I whispered again to him tears officially falling from my eyes. He nodded with hope filling his eyes. I smiled and nodded my head over and over.

"Yes. Yes. Yes, A thousand times yes." I jumped up wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waste hugging me tight. We pulled apart and he pulled the ring out of the small box and put it on my left ring finger. 'Its beautiful' I signed staring at the ring before Elton lifted my chin to meet his eyes before leaning in a kissing me. It was only then I heard cheering from the rest of the boys as they started moving closer to us.

"My aunt and uncle are finally getting married!!!" Colby yelled coming to get a close shot on his phone. I giggled and nodded. We got pulled apart as everyone wanted to give us hugs of congratulations. Heath was the last to come and offer me a hug. The both of us had happy tears in our eyes.

"Baby, you're getting married!" I nodded before getting pulled into a hug from him. I pulled back and looked at him before signing thank you to him. After all Heath was the first youtube I had met, if he didn't invite me to hang out with him and his friends I would have never met Elton, or anyone in this group. I owe Heath a lot. He just hugged me again. I pulled away to see Elton having the camera back in his hand.

"Yup! She said yes!" Elton yelled to the camera coming over to me taking my left hand to show It to the camera as I used my right hand to cover my blush filled face.

"I told him!" I pointed to the camera "No big proposal so instead he takes me to Italy to propose!"

"I don't do small!" Elton said in defense of his choices, but I just smiled and shook my head. A small bit of silence fell over the group as we all took a minute to register what actually just happened. Sam was the first to speak.

"Dude, you're getting married!" He took the camera and pointed it at Elton "How does it feel?"

'Amazing' He signed moving so he could put his arm around me, I moved to tilt my head to look up at him as he looked down on me. "I love you" He whispered

"I love you too." I whispered back

We collected our cameras and belongings and went on exploring the ancient city. We couldn't help but stop on one of the empty streets of the city. Like true social media personalities we are, we stopped to take some pictures. The boys all took cool instagram shots while Colby helped Elton and myself get some cool shoots showing off my new ring and our new status. We spend another hour or so exploring before catching one of the last bus headed back to the hotel.

We got back to the hotel and back up to our room. When we entered the room I noticed the bottle of champagne sitting on ice on the table, along with a card. I picked it up and opened the card.

"Congratulations on your engagement!" - Romeo Hotel Staff

Elton had popped the bottle open and pour everyone a glass.

"To Hannah and Elton" Jay said raising his glass and everyone followed "The cutest couple on youtube. May you love each other forever even after ya'll prank each other over and over" I giggled and shoved Elton slightly before he pulled me into a side hug as we all raised our glasses.

It was late afternoon so we took this small time we had before dinner to relax. It was in this time both myself and Elton had used the wifi to tell our family as well as close friends what had happened. We faced time both of our parents who were all excited for us. We face timed some friends who we wanted to make sure they found out from us before social media. It was only after that we allowed the boys to share their footage they got as well. All the boys had posted multiple snap chat videos of the proposal itself as well as stills of myself and Elton.

Elton and myself put our own snapchat videos as well as used the pictures Colby had taken of us to write sappy instagram posts about each other. I left Elton to fiddle with footage he got today while I went to shower. What I didn't know was Elton had been making a video for his main channel for a while. A video of himself planning this trip, as well as the proposal itself. He posted that video on his main channel promising more footage of the trip on TFIL. He uploaded this video before joining the rest of us getting ready for dinner.

It was a fancy dinner to celebrate the engagement. The boys dressed in their best slacks and shirts, no snapbacks this time. I had dressed in a simple flowy floor length black dress. We took pictures out on the balcony, of course, before heading to dinner. We were taxied over to a nice restaurant not far from the hotel on a cliff side restaurant, with an amazing view of the bay. The view was beautiful. We got to the table with a couple bottles of wines already waiting for us. We sat down at the table and I began to look for the menus.

"I ordered everything already." Elton said catching my attention 'I planned it all out already.' He signed answering my question, as the waiter came to pour each of us a glass of wine.

"So we went to Italy for a proposal, where are we going for a wedding?" Heath asked as we dug into our first course of salad. My eyes traveled to Elton genuinely curious to his answer. We had talked about getting married, I wanted something simple of course where as Elton likes to do over the top things.

"New Zealand." He stated looking at me before laughing. I smiled at his joke. New Zealand was one of the first places we traveled together to. Elton was genuinely in love with the country. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. Everyone turned to look at me.

"We'll talk about it." I said laughing shaking my head slightly "I think the true question," I said taking my fork pointing it at Elton, "is where are we going tomorrow?" In all the excitement today, I don't think any of us realized that we were traveling tomorrow and Elton still hadn't told us where.

"Yeah!" Colby agreed from across the table. "Where are we going tomorrow Elton?" Elton rolled his eyes before shaking his head.

"You will all find out tomorrow morning at the airport." I noticed everyone groaned but weren't going to protest. We continued through dinner with out cell phones or cameras. Just enjoying our dinner, celebrating the days events. We finished our dinner with gelato while wondering around the small streets of Naples for a while before heading back to our room. We all went our separate rooms to change and relax for the night. We all were going to meet back up in the main room to finish another bottle of wine before calling it a night. Elton and myself had just finished changing when a knock came at the door. He opened the door to see everyone already in the main room glasses filled with wine waiting on us. Thats when I noticed it was Sam who knocked on the door.

"Dude! You guys are trending on youtube and twitter!!" He said loud enough for me to make out his words from across the room. Elton looked at me before grabbing his computer and walked out to the main room to join the boys. I picked up my phone from the bed side table to see more notifications then normal. I opened my phone on my way to join the boys in the main room laptop in hand.

I scrolled through my notifications. Text from the squad of course, as well as many tweets and mentions, comments, and DMs from not only close friends but fans as well. I opened twitter first to see that we were intact trending under #TFILLove. I smiled before moving to youtube where I saw once again that the video was trending there as well. I looked up at Elton who had his camera out and pointed at me.

'We went viral!' I signed with a smile on my face in disbelief. 'Thats insane!'

"Everyone is talking about your video Elton" Heath said scrolling on his phone.

"I'm waiting on the reaction videos." Jay said laughing, as I watched Elton turn on his big camera and point it at the group.

"Well today was exciting," He stated to the group getting all of our faces as we all nodded. "We Went to Pompeii....ended with a nice dinner, and now we are trending on all social media...I call that a success." He said

"Ya know not getting engaged or anything, just trending on social media." I joked and everyone laughed. Elton nodded and said true. "Either way, best day ever." I said getting up from my chair and walking over sitting myself in Eltons lap. He turned the camera so both of our faces were in frame. He looked at me and I look at him before leaning in to kiss him, while putting my hand over his camera lens effectively ending his vlogging for the day.


Thank you to who ever voted on this story! I'm excited to have some reads but a vote is surprising!

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