We got the penthouse baby!

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After our 12 hour flight from LAX to — Fiumicino all I could think about was food...real non airplane food. 

We walked off the plane and started our way to baggage claim. Elton had his camera out shooting some b-roll shots of us walking through the airport and joking around. I couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of me. I couldn't hear anything of what they were actually saying as I had taken out my hearing aids on the plane, and did not feel like putting them back in. Once we arrived at baggage claim, I made my way to sit over to the side while the boys gathered our bags. I couldn't help but to laugh when I saw Colby try to get on top and ride the belt itself. He got both feet on the belt before Heath had grabbed his shirt pulling him off. I watched as dad mode came out in Heath as he pretended to yell at Colby as everyone else laughed. 

Once they gathered all the bags we made our way up the small escalator and to the exit. We walked out the doors and saw the line of taxi services with people standing outside of the big vans waiting for the people that held the names on the papers they were holding. I couldn't help but notice the sleek black van at the end with the driver who held a white board with Elton's name written on it. We filed into the van and off to Rome we went. 

Sat at the window seat staring out the window. By now I couldn't see much as it was early evening when we had landed. The outside town only lit by a few street lights. I was completely lost in thought when I felt Elton touch my knee to get my attention. 

'Tired?' he signed 

'A bit, mostly hungry' I signed back and he nodded in agreement. 

'When we get to the...'  he paused and looked at me and I signed the word hotel, 'hotel...we can see what's still open to eat'  I nodded and put my head on his shoulder as he grabbed my hand to hold it tight. We were only in the car for about 45 minutes before arriving at the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen. My jaw dropped as we all jumped out of the car and stood in awe at the building before us. Elton took the lead and followed our bellhop to the front desk. We all followed behind slowing taking our time taking in all the sites around the hotel. I made a mental note at the name of the hotel itself. 

The Hassler Roma 

Elton grabbed the key to the room, and we followed the bell hop into the elevator. I watched as he swiped his key card over a small raised pad and then pressed the top floor, and waited as the elevator picked up speed taking us up. We were all waiting on the tip of our toes as the door finally opened to a small entry way with a door straight ahead. Elton stepped out first and opened the door. 

"Baby we gots a penthouse!" Heath yelled pushing past me and running into the suite. I couldn't help but laugh. Even with out my hearing aids Heath could always be loud enough to hear. We followed behind into the main room of this massive top floor penthouse. I took my time walking around the main room as the boys went to claim what beds they were getting. There were three rooms. One master bed with a king bed and a balcony (which Elton rightfully claimed as our room) And then two smaller still master sized rooms. One room had another king bed (which was determined that it would house Sam and Colby) and the other room had two queen beds(last for Heath and Jay), all bedrooms coming with their own private bathrooms. 

I walked through the main room and out onto the massive balcony. There was a few chairs and two couches placed on the balcony, along with a table and chairs to have a nice meal. I notice that there was a double door way just to my right. I did not have to wonder where it led too long as the doors opened and Elton emerged from our master suite. I smiled and moved to the edge of the balcony to look out on our view. I gasped as I looked out on to the distance. Elton came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waste and his chin on my shoulder as I pointed to the view in front of us. 

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