"She's not a normal human- she's a superhuman. Engineered, you could say. Faster, stronger, smarter. Better hearing, vision, smell. She could run to Japan, to and from in ten seconds. She could pick up the entire school. She could probably even calc...
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3rd update in a row whooooOoOoOO
it's around 1:40 AM how is everyone
so far so good with this whole 'updating' thing
still trying
hey to those who r left thanks for being so dedicated heart heart
It was a strange feeling.
One day, everything was fine— everything was amazing, even, James would go as far to say.
Then the next, well, maybe not the next, but in a matter of a few days, she had completely cut everyone out. She spoke to no one, not even James, not Dumbledore, no one. It was mind-bending how she had that sort of ability. Out of the many she seemed to have, James thought this one was her most powerful.
"Do any of you know what's up with Electra?"
Sirius frowned.
"You know what, now that you bring her up, I haven't really seen her in a few days."
"I'm surprised you managed to hold back on asking for that long, James," Remus said, sounding genuinely impressed.
"Don't tell me to calm down, Sirius! I didn't know what it was at first, but now I know, I'm so in love with her and seeing her like this not only hurts her, but it hurts me too now. I don't like the thought of her being hurt or suffering on her own, so please, just help me, seriously."