"She's not a normal human- she's a superhuman. Engineered, you could say. Faster, stronger, smarter. Better hearing, vision, smell. She could run to Japan, to and from in ten seconds. She could pick up the entire school. She could probably even calc...
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After that, it only took a mere few weeks for Electra to be perfectly trained and devoid of any emotion that could get in the way of 'what she needed to do.'
Tom had completely changed her using methods of torture, both physical and emotional. She was no longer Electra.
At least, not the Electra everyone had known and loved.
She was a murderer.
Electra started being in the papers because of her killings. She rose quickly, going from a sweet girl to a killing machine, and all because of one person.
At Hogwarts, people were shocked to learn of what Electra had been doing in the the months she had been at Tom's. Everyone had figured that she would never have given in, but apparently even she couldn't stand the torture inflicted upon her by him.
Sam was impressed, however, simply because she had managed to even stay herself for that long. He wasn't surprised when he heard what Tom had done to Electra, although he was upset and disappointed that such a wonderful girl had turned into something so horrible, all because of Tom Riddle.
James barely spoke, barely ate, barely attended classes. It had been months.
People said that they would rather her be dead than her be killing others. Her to not truly be herself.
But James was happy that at least she was alive, because he knew that there was a possibility that, with enough work, she could eventually be the girl they all know and love again. She could be Electra again.
But he still wondered if she really wants to be Electra again.
Tom was extremely happy with the progress that he had made on Electra. She was so weak that he could do whatever he wished to her. He could order her to do whatever he wanted and she would be forced to comply out of the fear of what would happen if she didn't.
Electra hated that he had that sort of power over her.
But the small rebellion that was brewing deep inside her gave her hope of a better future.
She complied with ever order, yes, but she had logic. She had a strategy.
Electra was simply doing what she needed to do to keep herself alive, and hopefully, eventually, gain some strength.
Although Tom thought that he had Electra trapped in something that powers can't get you out of, she had heart and spirit, which was more than enough in her opinion. He thought he broke her, but in reality, he only made her stronger.
One day, she would finally use that strength against him.
She hoped that he would realize it was all his doing. That he had helped her.
She felt that the though of him helping a prisoner escape was worse than any sort of physical pain she could inflict upon him.
Because it would mean he had failed. And Tom Riddle didn't like failing.
Two weeks later, Electra was assigned her biggest task that had been given to her.
To test how truly under his control she was, Tom had brought in muggles.
A lot of muggles. It appeared to be over one hundred. She would use her powers to calculate, but the 'ancient spell' was still in tact and preventing her from using any of her powers. It only seemed to gain strength as time went on, not weakening in the slightest.
She was to kill every single one of them. Every grandmother, every mother, every daughter, every son, every father, every grandfather. All these people's lives were in her hands and she had no choice but to crush them.
Electra wondered if her life was really worth the expense of all of theirs.
She wondered why she even killed people in the first place rather than letting herself be killed and save so many people that could've had wonderful lives.
Trying to justify her actions, Electra reminded herself that even if she hadn't killed everyone, they would've died eventually.
But would the extra time have given them everything they needed to be able to die happily?
In the end, Electra ended up killing all of the people that Tom had requested her to.
Some people might think of her as heroic; doing what was needed to survive. In her opinion, she was selfish.
So many people had died so that she could stay alive, and at her hand. She could've done so many things to prevent their deaths but she didn't. Instead, she thought of herself. She thought of James and Sam and Sirius and everyone else who had ever once needed her.
She thought of Dumbledore and Sam, of how disappointed they must be in her for giving in and becoming the one thing she promised herself and everyone else she wouldn't.
James had been right.
In that moment, Electra realized that her dream, her worst fear, had finally come true.
But in a far, far worse way that left Electra gasping for air as she slowly spiraled out of control.
its been so long you guys how are all of you??
im trying real hard to get updates out for you guys for all the stories ive been getting requests to update
im sorry for not being here !! I just havent felt like the physical ability to write you know? the inspiration just wasnt at all strong and i thought it had just died out until today
so yeah i think this is the last story that i really need to update??