chapter 22 : flashback pt 2

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A/n: please keep the song on till the end of the flashback....


Dear Chanyoo,

Hi, chanyoo this is me your twins yet idiot brother. If you reading this letter that's mean I have already up there. I just want to say that I'm sorry for all my doing.

I'm sorry for leaving you early. I know we have been promising to not leave each other till we older but I guess. I broke it. I'm sorry if I being rude to you. I'm sorry. I actually don't want to leave you but.. I have too.

I'm sorry if I have said bad things about you and Chanyoo after my death.. I hope you don't feel sad about me cause if you do.. I will be sad too. Please be happy for me.... At least..

Actually I did the mean things to you is because I have my own reason and I kept it as a secret. Actually I have a cancer And I was in the last stage already. How I found out? Do you remember when we have a Physical Education class where I once was fainted?

Since there I secretly called Mr. Shin to came to school and he did. He check on me and said that I have a cancer. Since on that day I keep on going back and forth from the house to hospital.

I didn't tell you this because I don't want to make all of you worried about me and due to that I have to say bad things to you in order to make you hate me. But now look at me.... I'm at peace... I'm sorry....

The reason why I killed myself is because I can't stand losing my precious memories with you, mom and dad.

mostly OUR memories.. The day we cried and laughed together.. It hurt me much when the fact that some of our memories when we were kids are gone..

I can't remember anything.. That's why I killed myself for good.. I'm sorry... Chanyoo you are the best brother that I have and I'm happy about it.
Please don't ever blame yourself for my death..

Chanyoo when the baby inside mom's tummy is out please name her Ara.. I always love the name Ara. I don't know why somehow it sounds like a music to my ears... Chanyoo.. I just wanted you to be happy...

I may be away from this world but I will never be away from your side... love you my brother...

Your brother


Chanyoo's hand somehow trembled after reading Chanyeol's letter. Tears welled up in his eyes. Chanyoo put the letter down, beside the chest.

His eyes staring on the books which is the memories of them, together when they're kid. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and open his eyes again.

He take the book out and open it. He smiled as happy and sad tears rolling down to his cheek. It was the picture of him with Chanyeol.

The more he turn the pages over the more hurt he was watching them together. The thought of them since they kid, playing tag, hide and seek, when they cried and laughed together came flooding his mind.

Then his hand stops at this one picture where there was him eating ice-cream with Chanyeol at the park sitting on the swing.

He took the picture on his hand and turn it to the other side and he saw a hand writing, written down by Chanyeol. Chanyoo was a bit hesitate to read it but then he took all his courage and read it bravely even though his heart already shattered into pieces.

My hero, my star, my role model and of course my brother that I cheered and love the most... Thanks for everything brother and....... I love you always in my hearts...

=== end of flashback ===


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