Chapter 46

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"Who's blood test result are you taking? Why is it with you? And where in the world did you get this result? It's AB type."

Bombardation of question left his lips to yoongi. His eyes cannot believe what he just saw.

A blood test result.

"Again, the person of this blood is no one important. For now. I was given by one of the doctor whom I trusted the most other than you, whom is also works under me." Yoongi answered.

Jealousy swashed over the older's feelings.

'Doctor? Trusted the most?'

Even so, the younger have told, 'trusted the most than you' he know should be happy but why does yoongi just not asked him to run the test, instead.

Yoongi caught the facial expressions latching on the older's face. His face express what he currently feels and it's obvious.

"I know that face hyung." He started.

"I don't have any meaning to make you feel that way. I have reason not to make you run the blood test. First off all, I met this person very late. I was debating if I should give this to you but when I think over. It's too late to make you run this blood because what I heard from you the other day when I called you. You are busy working with the blood sample. So, I instead of giving you the sample. I just made someone do it for me. I don't want you to get mixed up with your work and running blood sample." Explain yoongi, hoping for the older to understand what he truly meant.

Jin's heart flutters at the sentence yoongi been saying. His lips gapped apart then close, every second.

"Well, gee. Thanks for caring." He told, trying so hard not to blush though his ears shows it all.

'First time being cared. Feels nice.' He thought.

"Anyway where's this person name? Why I can't see it. It only stated positive and the blood type in this paper and that's it. Seriously, why are your document slash paper always cheap yoongi, where's your money at?" Jin attacked him with sharp question.

"The real document was on the way. I made a call with one of my worker to sent them to me when I was busy taking my ass here and where's your kindness hyung? I've even explain you before, trying to protect your fragile heart." Yoongi replied, doesn't really satisfied with the outcome from jin.

Jin took off his spectacle. "As if you've done it before. It's for the first time you said to me like that yoongi and I'm surprise to see your soft side."

Yoongi cleared his throat. "Just shut u-"

Yoongi and jin got their attention distracted as a person knocked on jin's door.

"Come in." Jin order, looking onto yoongi then to the door as he gulps at yoongi's unhappy face.

Yoongi growls at the sight of the male came in who just interrupting him from speaking, knowingly he doesn't really like being interrupted.

'Dicker' yoongi hissed in his thought.

Jin on the other hand, raised an eyebrow. "You're new here? Where's my assistant?"

The male assistant gulp, diverting his eyes elsewhere.

"U-uh, she was here earlier.. Ah, and. She, told me she's have, uh an emergency. I mean family problem." The male assistant told, a bit unsure.

Yoongi sense the weirdness going on with the male assistant, seeing the guy keep on stuttering, not sure with his answer made him curious.

"I see. Anyway what brought you here?" Question jin who still had no idea unlike yoongi.

"Ah, I've brought you the blood sample result. Your assistant told me to bring you this." He told, letting out the document from his suit and hand it to jin.

The male blazer creased a bit. It shows like there's another thing hiding under his blazer making yoongi question at himself.

'Huh? weird.'

Yoongi didn't let his guard down. Something about the male made him wonders and to be alerting.

"You may go and thank you for bringing me this." Jin smiled.

The male had already gone out from jin's room with a fast pace and that's really making yoongi questioning more. He tilt his head, trying to compile the scene he saw not to long agom

"So, the test is already here. I need to check it first." Jin say excitedly.

Jin hand didn't wait a second to rip out the envelop and take a look the result.

His eyes widened, his lips parted and his hand tremble, looking at the sight making him slip the paper off of his hand.

Yoongi is aware of the older's sudden surprise.

"What's wrong hyung?" Yoongi rushed to the older, picking up the document from jin's grasp.

His brow knitted as he saw outcome of the test result.

"The hell? Both are positive?"

Oof... Wha??

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