Chapter 1

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(3rd Person)

Fiore is known as the land of magic, bonds and most importantly adventure. It is home to many kinds of different people, they range from boring every day citizens who either stay home or go out to do their boring day to day jobs to exciting mages or wizards whatever you prefer who go out on many adventures either solo or with their friends and family. But not everyone is quite comfortable with who they are... one such individual is currently riding on a train straight to a quiet but large port town named Hargeon.

Said individual was sitting in his seat with his legs crossed, a bored one who rests his chin on his palm which was leaning on his crossed leg. He had short (H/C) hair with bored pair of (E/C) eyes stared out the window which caused his reflection to stare back at him revealing a pair of blue shorts with a white buttoned shirt with its sleeves obviously ripped off while the top button was undone, his feet were occupied by a pair of sandals which always earned a few raised eyebrows from anyone who passed the young man on the streets.

???: Geez, do we really have to take the train? It's always much more fun to run across the world, y'know?

???: Quit complaining (Y/N), no one likes a child who whines about everything.

This caused the man, who looked to be at least 18 years old to look down at the green belt around his waist with an amused smirk, he shrugged his shoulders with closed eyes before staring back out the window.

(Y/N): Ah, come on Gwen, no one cares about that, all they want to see is my strength!

Gwen: No, that's just you, besides, you do remember why we're heading to Hargeon in the first place, right?

(Y/N): Yep! Heard there was a mage who's extremely powerful, name's... Salamander, right?

Gwen: That's right, you wanted to test out his power... well, more like humiliate the poor guy.

(Y/N): Hey! Not my fault no one can hurt me!

Gwen: Your magic ability is basically a cheating skill that lets you win any fight.

(Y/N): And that's why I'm always so confident I'll win!

Gwen: There's a difference between confidence and cockiness.

All (Y/N) did was brush that off with a scoff while waving his hand, he then looked to his right to spot his trusty partner: a large dark green bo staff that seemed to be made from wood but both (Y/N) and his green belt named Gwen knew better than that, he was tempted to grab the bo staff but thought against it.

It was then that (Y/N) felt the train start to slow down, he hummed in curiosity before staring out the window once again, he smirked once he saw the port.

(Y/N): Finally, time to test this 'Salamander' out!

Gwen: It would be a cliche thing to say 'Don't get cocky' but unlike most people, you have every right to be cocky, not like I can stop you anyway.

(Y/N): Damn right! Now, let's do this!

With an enthusiastic shout, (Y/N) leapt off his seat while grabbing his bo staff and sprinting straight down the long narrow path on the train until he got to the doors. He smirked in amusement when he caught a male around his age lying face-down on the ground with his cheeks puffed out showing signs of sickness.

(Y/N): Yo barfbag? You gonna move?

All he got was a groan in response while suddenly a blue cat jumped in front of his face, a look of anger on his face, it didn't surprise (Y/N), in fact it only made him raise an eyebrow in confusion at seeing the rather peculiar creature in front of him.

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