Chapter 13

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(3rd Person)

After the flute grew its own consciousness and filled the sky with its magic, all but one looked on with concerned and shocked looks to see a massive creature made of wood with three eyes. It's head just like lullaby itself while there was a visible hole where its stomach would be, the three eyes glowed a light purple while staring down at everyone with what looked like rage and impatience.

(Y/N): Hmm... I'm wondering whether I should rename the old man's giant form to something else, because that right there's a real big fugly giant.

Kageyama: What... what is that? There wasn't supposed to be anything about lullaby summoning a monster!

Bob: Oh my... what a pickle we're in!

Goldmine: It's most likely the demon form of the flute... it does come from the book of spells from Zeref after all.

Gray: Zeref? The name sounds familiar but...

Bob: Oh it should be! Zeref's the most evil wizard in the history of magic, a very powerful one at that too, I'd never imagine his specialty living magic would be right in front of us!

Lullaby: Now then! Which of your souls shall I devour first!?

Natsu: Hey... you reckon souls might be tasty?

Lucy: Always thinking about eating!!

Erza: Never mind eating, Natsu, Gray, you two are with me, we'll have to defeat the demon while everyone escapes!

Natsu: Quit making orders!

Gray: You're not the boss of us!

Erza grew her signature dark look which is always enough to convince practically anyone to do what she says.

Erza: Shut up and fight with me!

Natsu + Gray: Aye!

Lucy: And they're back to impersonating Happy...

(Y/N): I'd honestly rather that than their usual arguing to be honest.

Lucy: For once, you and I are in agreement.

In the distance everyone could hear the army of Fiore proudly stating that not even a demon would cause them to back down... (Y/N) smirked at that and crossed his arms, eager to watch what happens next as lullaby shows off its power by destroying the mountain behind them effortlessly with what looked like an energy blast.

Soldier: Well captian? Are we scared yet?

Captian: Alright everyone! Retreat!

(Y/N): Figures, you can't rely on them for anything, always gotta be us wizards to deal with these kind of problems.

Lullaby: No matter, normal humans don't have that ripe taste I'm looking for. Wizards on the other hand...

Natsu: Yeah right! You just come and try it!

Lucy: Don't you think you should help them (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Why? They look like they got this in the bag, besides, if you're so concerned about someone helping them, why don't you do it yourself huh Sweetheart?

Lucy: Well...

(Y/N): Like I've said many times before: using me's basically asking for cheats: you can't use them straight away otherwise the game's no fun, you gotta make sure you've done everything you can beforehand.

Gwen: If I may get a word in (Y/N)?

(Y/N) looks down in curiosity as his partner decided to make herself known and no doubt wanted to voice her own opinion.

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