Share In On The Pain,Aubrey.

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Mom stood in Missy's kitchen, cutting vegetables. I stood and watched Josh sit at the table. Missy opened a zipper pouch and she wiped his arm with those horrible smelling wipes.

Josh looked at me,locking eyes that were flooded with worry.

I hate shots,said his voice to my mind.

"I know Josh but it's for your life," Missy said pulling out a shot.

I looked at Josh,can he contact more than one person?

Three way calling,he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes,and Josh reached out for me. Standing by him ,I gripped his hand.

It was a small needle,Missy injected it.

Josh didn't let my hand go.

Another needle appeared, MUCH thicker than the last,and more bulkier.

Josh squeezed at my hand making it white.

It was soon over and past.

"See,dear,it's all over,"Missy said ruffling his hair and throwing the shots away.

Yes,Josh let go and my hand was red and pulsing.

Sorry,only seemed fair that you feel some pain tooooooooo.

Yeah,his voice in my head slurred tremendously. Looking at him,his face fell blank and he leaned forward,falling off the chair to the floor. Shaking,seizing.

Mom dropped her chopping knife and Missy fluttered around.

Joshua was facing up,his eyes blue and out of this world.

Hands wrapped around my shoulders and threw me down. Laying by Josh,the mysterious lady figure formed above me. Like last night.

She pulled out a knife and slammed it down in my stomach.

I curled up,screaming and writhing in pain.

"Josh is right,share some pain,Aubrey,"

She whispered.

The woman pulled my upperbody up and she pulled up my shirt to show my stomach.

No blood.

If it was blood,it was clear. Clear shiny goo. And the area around the the ooz was gray.

"Tick tock,keep track of time from here on out," and I blacked out.


Sorry I haven't written,busy.

Here's to who requested it,you know who you are(:

Comment and vote,thanks!

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