Partion Part 2

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We land in ATL airport quickly and Beyonce puts on her big sunglasses and a hugely brimmed had in order to obscure her features. But her lil disguise is of no use when it comes to passing through the airport. 

"OMG OMG OMG. You have got to me effing kidding me! IT'S BEYONCE!!!!!!" A swarm of rainbow headed girls come running up to us shrieking all the way over, bringing even more attention. I see Beyonce glance over at her two body guards before giving the girls a warm smile.

"Hey Girls." Beyonce greets them with her silk honey voice. The girls all but melt.

Soon a group of girls and some guys recognize Laurent. The girls pounce like a bunch of hyenas on a damn mouse. Cackling and shit. To be honest i was kinda jealous. The girls started brushing  their hands over Lau's taunt and muscular arms, sending chills down my spine and trust me not the good type. I don't even know why i'm jealous. It's not like me and Lau are together, for heavens sake i just met him. But still something inside of me knots up into a ball every time a girl brushes up on him. My blood starts to boil when a girl gets brave enough to brush her boobs all up on him. I turn to walk away before i do something or say something to the damn heifer.  But Lau catches my wrist before i can go off somewhere. He removes himself kindly from the group and leans down, whispering  in my ear. " Trust me you don't want to leave in a crowd like this. "

Chills run down my spine, the good ones now as his lips brush my ear as he whispers. I take a glance over at the girls that were so into him just a minute ago. They start sending glares in my direction. I swear bitches can be so hateful. But all I can do is smirk, knowing that with all these beautiful women around him, I seem to have had all his attention all this time. even when i wasn't in his line of sight.

Beyonce calls in her security after a good twenty minutes of she and Laurent autographing books, boobs, arms and palms and taking photos for the paparazzi. They quickly escorted us to the Limo that was waiting outside. We hop in as the two security sit in the front.

"What's wrong?" Beyonce askes me.

Looking over confused on why she asked, all I manage to come up with is "Huh?"

" Your face, you looked pissed off for a sec" Sighing in relief  I manage to smile

" Oh nothing, my momma tells me that all the time, It's nothing." I wave it away

In my head i'm just trying to unravel my feelings. half of me want to cave into my feeling, but the other half doesn't want to. One if Laurent feel the same way i'm starting to feel for him, I don't want this to end up being a rebound relationship, even though Trevor and I have been over for a good 5-6 months now. Two I don't want to be done like that again. I don't want what happened between Trevor and I to happen between Laurent and I. I don't want it and i refuse to have it. i think i would be best if we just stayed friends.

Bey  phone goes off and the hugest grin comes across her face. She tilts her head down and hides behind her honey blonde hair obviously wanting a lil privacy. Her voice lowers to a whisper as she talks on her phone. Guessing it's her bae Jay- Z. I look over and see that Laurent has his eyes on me. I tilt my head down blushing from getting caught. Trying to ignore him I start scrolling through my feed on instagram. I still haven't unfollowed Trevor from instagram so when a picture of him pops up with his shirt off on the beach. Laid out in the sand. My heart takes a sudden leap and then plummets right back into my stomache as i see it. I try to scroll past it quickly but a text message comes in.

Hey Beautiful-It's from Laurent. I smirk at my phone and get back to instagram. Another text comes in.

So you're gonna pretend like you never saw that text. When I obviously saw you smile over there - I glance up at him. Then look back at my phone. 

Hey ;) - I send back

Feeling better now? looked like you were about to throw a fit back there with the fans. :'D-

No I was not!- I send back

Uh yeah, you were. Were you *gasp* jealous?! I look up to find that Laurent is already looking at me, ready to read my reaction. He flutters those thick eyelashes at me. Obivously trying to taunt me.

No. I. Was. Not I text back quickly

You sure? Cause it looks like you kinda were. He textes me back with one of those half smirking emoji's.

Jealous of what? Y'all signing autographs for fans. Why would I be?

No, Not of that.

Of what then?! I send back with an emoji crossing her arms

Of those girls giving me all that attention.

Don't flatter yourself hun!

I'm only speaking facts. I saw the way you looked when that girl brushed herself on me.  I catch everything with you. 

At that text, my heart leaps into my throat. I try to keep my poker face as I read the meesage, knowing that Lau has his eyes searching my face for any expression. I didn't know what to say. But suddenly i knew all too well what to say.

Like when you caught me singing in the shower of the dance studio? Hmmm? Booyah! I look up quickly to gage his reaction. His eye's widen as he reads it.

I wasn't satisfied with a response because the limo comes to a halt in front of the hotel.


Authors note: HEY Y'ALL well her comes just a lil sum'tin sum'tin. I just wanted to show y'all some love!!! Tell me what y'all think. Comment, Share, VOTE but mostly COMMENT please.  Much love!!!!

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