Chapter 2.

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Anasha'ja P.O.V.

I didn't give you a lot of back ground information so here you go.

my dad died in the army.

I'm and only child.

my mom is dieing of appendix cancer, but still manages to work.

*Skips morning routine* I wore my army patterned skinny jeans and dark green crop top with my "Best daughter" necklace and my charm bracelet. I just entered the school and for the class I'm going to we dont need anything so I didn't stop at my locker. As I was heading to class I bumped into this boy he had a small curly fro and nice straight teeth and was lightskinned like me-"oh I'm sorry, I was just looking for room 405". OMG someone just apologized for bumping into me , he must be new. " it's fine I'm on my way there, I'll take you". As we walked in the class the boy fastly became popular girls started drooling over him and boys started dapping him. " Please have a seat you two" the teacher stated, I  sat in the back like always and that boy sat right next to me, i put in my headphones and did that work she passed out. She started talking so I took them out. " class were starting a new thing for every class period, the person you are sitting next to  is going to be your new best friend, when u enter this class you do  projects together and talk outside of class". "Your first project is a little movie clip all of our  staff wrote scrips and you have to act them out and make a movie trailer and present it, so right now talk to your buddy, while I pass them out".



*  Montae P.O.V

So I just got transfered here because I didn't like my last school but I went here before then got transfered to the school I don't like now I'm back. I was walking down the hall and I haven't been here In a while so I don't know where no classes at and I was thinking and this girl bumps into  me I apologize and I look up at her. She had beautiful green-yellowish eyes and perfect lips and everything she was the real MVP. She took me too the class we were both in and I sat next to her. I got a couple daps and gaspes because last time I came I wasn't all hot like now. (concieted). " So what's your name?" the girl asks pulling me out of thought. " Montae  Markham". she kinda gasped and said," did you go to S.M.S elementary"? That was my favorite elementary school I had the sweetest best friend named- "my name is Anasha'ja by the way". that was her name. " Do you remember me  people made fun of you and i sticked up for, good thing that doesn't happen anymore huh" I said. She looked down " it still does happen".



* Anasha'ja P.O.V

Montae was my best friend one day these boys were kicking me and he walked over and yelled at them then they left so we just stuck bye each others side, we had sleepovers, play dates he was the real MVP. Montae lifted my chin and said" when ever you need me I'm there ok" "ok" I replied looking In those big brown eyes.




Anasha'ja P.O.V

After class I did my usual routine and walked out of school on my way to subway, when a black 2013 charger pulled up to me. " you need a ride bestfriend" I looked to my right and seen Montae. " Lol thanks Montae but im just gonna walk" "okay", this boy parks his car then walked over to me and we start walking to subway. On the way there my legs was getting tired so I kept stopping. " come on girl we just started walking" " my legs hurt though" I said. He put me on his back and we walked to subway.



* At subway

Montae P.O.V

Anasha'ja ordered her food and its crazy because I ordered the same thing today is friday so we don't have school tomorrow. we talked and caught up and were having a sleep over at my place I live alone my mom and dad life in Texas while I'm here in New York. After we got done eating we headed to target.



* At Target

Montae has a Xbox so I got us some games and popcorn and movies like monsters inc ect. This was gonna be awesome I stopped by my house and got my clothes and some money. My mom was happy to Montae. Right now we pulled up too this nice condo that was looking right. I put my stuff in the guess room. I went to take me a shower and I had my towel wrapped around me when I heard a large boom and dropped my towel and Montae ran up the stairs.



* Montae P.O.V

I was dancing on the Xbox when I heard a boom I ran to check on Anasha'ja and this girl was butt naked in the hall.  I didn't know what to say her breast set up nice her ass was huge her va- "Stop staring"! " I am so sorry. 10 minutes later she came down in this onezi that did her ass right . We was playing Micheal Jackson on the XBox and it was him and Diana and at the end you seal it with a kiss and to be honest i wouldn't mind kissing her , right when it was time her dumbass phone rang. She put it on speaker. " hello students remember your movie assignment is due Tuesday". " Aw yeah Montae let's start".  " I left my paper in my locker'' I lied, " Its cool I have two". Ugh Anasha'ja was still nerdy and not sarcastic.



* Anasha'ja P.O.V.

After we practiced a couple of scenes , Montae said he'll brb and it's been 10 minutes so I go in his room and he sleep , so I got on top of him and started straddling him and he groaned stop and I said why and he answer so I kept on and he grabbed my hips and pushed me off of him kinda rough " I told you to stop". he kinda yelled. I walked out and went to my room and shut the door and locked it. I slid down the door crying I'm a real sensitive person, the littllest things hurt. .



* Montae P.O.V.

"Bab- bestfriend"I managed to say, I do kinda kinda like Anasha'ja . I didn't mean to yell its just she was making me hard and friends I can't just boom boom her. " Look when girls do that boys get hard and wanna have sex and I caught in the moment".. I heard the door unlock I sighed in relief.

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