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I sat in that gross motel for hours, just counting down the minutes until something bad happens. You know those feelings you get in the pit of your stomach when you're just...anxious? When I get that feeling, I fear that someone is behind me or creeping me or that something terrible is going to happen. There's a pretty good reason as to why I'm so nervous being all by myself, which is the fact that literally two nights ago I went though that whole "kidnapping" thing. I'm glad that in the end I didn't die, but I got fairly close to it. I guess I seem to be on my toes so much, because I just don't want that happening again. I'm afraid that there are people who could potentially use me as a "prop" again, and I was definitely not a fan of that.

It's weird to think that it was all about 2 nights ago, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to waste any time if I was in Ashton's position. It's been established: I don't like him. It took me about one day to figure it out, but I just don't like him. And even though I don't like him, I still feel kind of bad that he has to do this. I mean, if he does owe Derek 8,000...he should get it back, but they didn't have to be so threatening about it. I don't know; maybe that was the only way to get him to do it. Still, I could never get that much money on my own. My mother could definitely help me out if I owed someone that amount, but obviously Ashton doesn't have anyone to help him out. Not me, that's for sure.

As much as I try not to, I can't help but wonder about him. I've always been somewhat curious, and I just wanted to know more about him. Like, how old was he? What was his last name? Why is he in America, when he's clearly Australian? All I know so far is his first name, everyone hates him, and he's a drug dealer. I should've seen that last one coming, to be honest. Now that I think about it, he looks the part perfectly. He's a flipping drug dealer, and that's how we're gonna get all this money back. It's not a really safe way to do it, in my opinion...but I have no other ideas. None that he would be up to, at least. As long as I don't get involved, hopefully I'll be fine. And also...what the hell is his favorite color?

My thoughts were snapped back to reality by the sound of someone pounding on the door. I sat up straight from where I was slumped against the bed's headboard, with my knees still hugged to my chest. That fearful feeling flooded back into me, causing my eyes to widen and my heart to skip a beat. What I had previously thought about came back into my mind, and as the pounding continued, it only got worse. What if it's someone who wants to take me again? What if it's someone who works for Derek? What if it's-

"YO SWEETHEART OPEN THE DAMN DOOR." A voice that I instantly recognized practically yelled from outside. For a moment it caught me off guard, because I didn't even sound like him at all. I knew it was Ashton, probably back from some drug deal at 2:00 AM, but his voice wasn't angry at all. In fact, it wasn't low or annoyed either. I was just a little high-pitched.

I slowly got up off the bed, and walked over to the old wooden door to let him in. Just to be safe, I looked through the peep-hole really quick to see that it was infact Ashton, still wearing that ridiculous hat. I opened the door, and all as once Ashton groaned and stumbled inside. I backed up to let him in, for he was already putting one of his forearms across my stomach to shove past me.

"What the fuuuck." his hoarse voice dragged out the "u" sound, while he spun around to face me. His lips were curled in a wide grin, and I was surprised to see two little dimples on his cheeks.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. My initial thought was that he was sick or something, because it kind of looked like he wanted to puke. But that guess was dismissed when Ashton shut his eyes and walked over to me, laughing his ass off. He put his hands on his shoulders as if to steady himself, before opening his eyes back up.

"Dude I'm so baked right now," He replied. He stared past me, towards the door, with his blood-shot eyes wider than the moon, and these...really, really weird chuckles escpaing his lips.

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