8. you're never alone

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Two years ago, Freed got a call from Gray about Natsu needing help.

TW for mental breakdown, psychosis, mentions of self-harm, mentions of suicide attempts, hospitalization


Two Years Ago

Freed yawned, glaring at their linguistics textbook and running a hand through their hair. The longer they looked at the words, the less and less sense they made. Grabbing their coffee, they drained it and leaned back in their chair. They glanced at their phone, sighing in relief at the text from Laxus.

Be there in five. Looking forward to our date.

Gray's name suddenly flashed across the screen with an incoming call and Freed frowned, looking cautiously around the library before swiping to answer.

"Allo?" Freed tucked the phone under their chin and began to pack their books into their bag. Hopefully this material made more sense the next time they looked at it.

"Freed?" Gray's voice was frantic and Freed immediately stopped what they were doing, standing up and frowning. "I need your help."

"What's wrong?" Freed asked, feeling a sense of trepidation wash over them. Gray wasn't easily unsettled, but right now he sounded like he was going to cry.

"Natsu, are you still there, sweetheart?" There was a muffled sound of affirmation and Freed realized that Gray had them both on the line. "Okay, you still safe?" Another sound. "Freed, Natsu isn't doing well. I'm in Burnaby and I'm on my way home, but I need someone to go be with Natsu until I get there."

"Of course," Freed replied automatically, pulling their phone away from their ear and switching it to speakerphone to text Laxus.

Change of plans, they wrote. Natsu's not good, Gray needs us to go to him.

"Natsu, I'll be there as soon as I can," Freed reassured, trying their best to sound soothing. "You're at home?" They knew that Natsu suffered from bipolar disorder, but he hadn't had a bad episode since he'd attempted suicide several years back.

"Y-yes..." Natsu's voice was soft and uncertain, and it was clear that he'd been crying. "I'm in the b-bedroom now. But I d-don't..." His voice broke and he started to cry again. "I'm s-sorry..."

"Sweetheart, it's okay," Gray said gently, and Freed could hear the heartbreak in his friend's voice. "Nobody's mad at you. I just want you to be safe." Natsu's crying intensified and Freed felt tears beginning to push at their own eyes.

"I-I'm j-just..." Natsu's voice wavered and he hiccupped through his tears. "I sh-shouldn't feel like th-this anymore, a-and I..."

"It's not your fault," Freed interjected carefully, hearing the background sounds of Gray getting into his car and starting it.

"Having you been taking your meds?" Gray asked.

"Y-yeah," Natsu said shakily. "A-and I took the Ativan t-too but I j-just can't think and it's so loud, and I'm... s-scared..." He trailed off as Freed's phone pinged with a message from Laxus.

I'm outside.

"You're gonna be okay," Gray reassured Natsu, and Freed could hear Gray's voice break. "Je t'aime, mon couer, we're going to get you help."

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Freed assured them both, grabbing their backpack and heading to the front of the library. "Are you going to be okay until there?" They knew that Natsu hurting himself again was Gray's greatest fear.

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