10. building something together

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Freed and Laxus spend a summer together.

tw for alcoholism and child abuse


Nine and a Half Years Ago

"So, you're Laxus?"

Bix stood in the doorway to the house, Lily not far behind him, tail wagging as she recognized Freed. It had been a week since their kiss at the beach and Laxus had insisted on coming to meet and apologize Bix and Ever. Now that he was here, however, Freed could tell he was more than a little overwhelmed. Laxus swallowed uncomfortably, sticking out his hand.

"Y-yes, sir," he replied. Freed nudged his arm and nodded at Bix's hand, and Laxus blinked in confusion until he realized what Freed meant. He reached out hesitantly and tapped the back of his hand to Bix's, who immediately took it and shook it.

"Don't call me sir, makes me feel old," Bix joked, giving Laxus a wide grin and gesturing for him to come in. "This is Lily, you can pet her if she's not wearing her harness. Do you like dogs?"

"I, uh, y-yeah..." Laxus trailed off, crouching down on the floor next to the golden retriever, whose tail began to thump noisily against the hardwood. Laxus ran his hands over her face, laughing when she licked him. "Sh-she's beautiful, th-thank you, I, um..."

"You sound terrified," Bix said, crossing his arms over his chest. Freed wasn't sure if Bix knew how intimidating he looked when he did that, or if he did it on purpose. Bix was not a small man, and even Laxus, who was tall and athletic, looked small next to him.

"I, um... I just wanted to apologize," Laxus said quietly, standing up and shoving his hands into his pockets. "I was awful to Freed, and I feel terrible, and I apologized to them and now I wanted to say sorry to you, too, because I know you're their family."

There was silence for a moment. Part of Freed wanted to jump in and rescue Laxus, tell him it was fine and that everything was okay, but another part of them knew that he needed to apologize. He had been horrible, and he needed to make amends.

"All right. Thank you." Bix smiled, uncrossing his arms and gesturing down the hallway. "I guess Freed will probably give you a tour of the place. Are you staying for supper?"

"I, uh..." Laxus blinked, gaping at Bix. "That's... that's it?"

"Mhmm," Bix replied, holding out a hand in Freed's general direction. Freed grabbed it and Bix pulled them into a one-armed hug, kissing the top of their head. "I'm not Freed's dad – hell, I'm not that much older than you two, assuming you're the same age." Freed made a sound of assent. "I don't set curfews or threaten to shoot you if you're not back from dates by eleven. I know you hurt Freed, but if they've forgiven you and see good in you, then I trust them. I just ask that you continue to treat them with respect. Fair?"

"V-very," Laxus replied, nodding emphatically. "Thank you." Lily bumped his hand with her head and he scratched behind her ears.

"Okay, we're going upstairs," Freed said, giving Bix another quick hug. "Do you want me to make ramen tonight? Maybe I can teach Laxus how to cook." They looked over at Laxus and winked.

"Sounds good to me," Bix said. "Ever's gonna be back around six; I'll probably be out in the garden."

"Oh, Ever said to tell you to swap the peppers and peas this year – something about the sunlight. Do you want me to go mark them?" Bix shook his head.

"Nah, I'll text you if I need help." He double-checked his back pocket for his phone. "Lil might come hang out with you two, she doesn't seem to be a fan of the heat."

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