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Let's make a goal guys.
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Not that bad right?

Anyway thank you so much for reading this far I love youuuu~~~

Y/n~~ P.O.V

School was finally over. Still wearing Chanyeol's sweater. Committing a crime to leave school and ditch detention was on my non-existent bucket list.

This crazy kid was making me do things I've never thought of doing.

While I was leaving, I made sure that none of the teachers had seen me. To the unknown eye, I might've looked stupid. But in reality I looked stupid.

People were giving all types of looks that I have never seen before BUT- i cared not I am committing a crime for goodness sake.

My hands are sweaty but all I feel is excitement with a little bit of guilt- hardly even there- I wonder if this how people feel when doing something bad.

I arrived in front of the school only to realize that I did not know where Chanyeol was or if I was going to pay for everything, or if he was only using me for the money, but he doesn't know who i am really.

I didn't realize I was caught in a trance when a car beeped at me. That scared the shiz out of me. I look to see who was in the car and it was Chanyeol, with a grin plastered on his face. I mirrored his expression.

I got in the car. We talked the whole car ride. Chanyeol decided we should go to his favorite Cafe. We settled down and he ordered us food.

I had to ask him why he wanted me to go. I grabbed the most serious look i had and asked him

"Why did you want me to come?" he sighed.

"My ex... she uh..she's going with her new boyfriend" I nodded for him to continue

"I was thinking on seeing who this new guy is as my replacement, but I didn't want to go alone if she saw me. She'd make sure to embarrass me in any way possible." another thing to add to my bucket list I thought to myself.

Chanyeol seemed embarrassed already, he looked cute. 

" It's okay if you don't want to go with me anymore, because I'm basically using you and if you don't want to be my-" i cut him off before he could continue the nonsense he was saying.

" No one uses me and I mean NO ONE." he flinched a little, i tried hard not to laugh. Someone should give me an award for amazing acting skills.

"I guess I'll let it slide since you're my friend." I said impressed with the reaction I got from him.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You will not regret it." He said giving me a bear hug. I laughed at his silliness. Then we went off to the fair. I was really happy that I got a friend to go to these things with. Although I prefer it be a girl but Chanyeol is perfect.

I feel bad for Chanyeol, I mean who the hell would let him go. He's freaking amazing in every way possible. She must be the stupidest person ever known to mankind. This is all so triggering.

Speaking of does Jimin have a girlfriend? I mean he shouldn't because he's marrying me right? I hope not I dont know what I'll do if he does. I'm not sure why but I feel as if the marriage is hope for us to actually be something. Oh God please give me a sign that it is or not.

I was deep in thought I didn't realize that we stopped until Chanyeol picked my side -im very ticklish person- I was surprised and hit my head on the top of the car. I glared at him, he made an expression as if he was innocent. He got out the car and ran to the other side so he could open it for me.

I never had someone treat me like this. I felt heat rushing up my cheeks, I tried to hide it. I TRIED.

"Are you blushing?" He said coming near my face.

"No.....you are." Damn real smooth. He seemed to like the response I gave him. Since he wouldn't stop smiling.

We walked to the front to pay for the entrance. When I realized I didn't bring my wallet, I mean how could I, I never do when I go to school and this was planned at the last minute. This is embarrassing.

"Chanyeol I-uh dont have money with me." I looked down not wanting to be even more embarrassed by the reaction he'll give me.

"I already paid for yours..I invited you remember it seems fair if I paid." He said lifting my head to face him.

"I'll pay you back I promise." I quickly said and held my pinky out.

"I'll never accept it." He said walking in the magical place called the fair. Hours went by and we went on so many rides, I had so much fun. Who knew that having friends could be this amazing.

We were walking while eating icecream when Chanyeol stopped walking and I hit his back with my forehead. My icecream almost fell on him but didn't. I frowned, why did he stop? I look to the side. My eyes widened.


A/n: I bet you guys are mad sorry, but I promise it will get better. *wink* *wink*

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