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Then I'm screwed....

Y/n's P.O.V

We walked in he turned the switch on and let's go of my hand and leads me towards the living room.

His place is so big and beautiful, makes me wonder how he manages this house all by himself maybe there's maids..... I hope not he seems like the type to only hire short and pretty girls.

The house itself was made in marble, but what surprised me the most was the color chosen for this theme was WHITE.

Honestly I expected everything to be black. But white is just beautiful I could get used to this.

Wait a minute..... HOW dare he just bring me here and expect me to be ok with this.

The bus was taking me to the right place I dont understand the logic of this fiance of mine.

I turn to tell him what's on my mind when I see him gone.

I look to my left and see some stairs. He probably went to his room to shut me out without any explanation. I dont have time nor the strength for this.

I start heading out when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey where you going?" He had changed into different clothes. Cute.

Why does he look so cute for.

" i-i think I should go." I said grabbing the handle and felt his hand holding my elbow back. I turn to him

"Wait please don't go..... i-im sorry I just dont want to be alone right now, please stay with me." He said looking straight into my eyes he had a little pout on his lips.

What am I suppose to do? Say no ?

" o-ok.....you can let go now." I said pointing at my elbow.

He made the cutest eye smile ever and I could've sworn I saw him blush.

"So...um what now?" Avoiding his eyes and landing myself on the couch.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks putting one anyway.

He turns off all the lights and it just frozen playing and me being a sucker for Disney movies, did not complain. I mean come on it's FROZEN. I'm enjoying life right now with the love of my life sitting next to me.

I was so into the movie that I forgot everything that had happened earlier. I sang every song I was happy but the clothes I was wearing just was not comfortable enough to finish the movie.

I poked at Jimin. "Hey u-um can I-I borrow some clothes I-" he cut me off. "Yeah wait right here" he said running off to fetch me some clothes.

While he was gone I began to realize that I had no ring on I've been engaged for a while two weeks and still no engagement ring. Haha... it's not like was ever really getting married anyway it's all.....Fake.

I hear Jimin coming down the stairs and wipe the tear that wanted to fall and smiled at him with the clothes he brought me.

"Here I don't have any other clothes but mine is that ok?" He said handing it to me. I blushed. "Y-yeah thanks Jiminie" I said taking the clothes in my hand and heading to the nearest room to change.

Thankfully it was a guest room I guess I will be sleeping here. I look at the clothes that Jimin brought me these are I little too big. I said looking down on the mirror after putting them on.

It was a hoodie and some sweatpants I looked ugly. How do guys expect us to look good in this I look like someone off the street with my smeared makeup and messy hair.

So I decided to take a shower to clean myself up. I most definitely smell like Jimin but I don't mind I kind of like it.

I look better now, all washed up I go to the living room and see that there's something on Jimin a mind I ignore it.

I walk past him and sit in the opposite side of where he was. He stares at me but I ignore him but i can't help the blush creeping in he moves closer.

What is he doing??? My heart is beating so fast.

"What did you call me earlier?" He says still getting closer to me.

"What do you mean I called you Jimin" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Really?......because I clearly heard Jiminie and only one person ever called me that" he said.

Haha. I'm back and thank you all so much for the comments and support love you all 💜💜 

Please comment some more I'd like to know what you guys think about this mess. Anyway thank you loves see you next time.

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