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I was in the car when I realized what I just did I kissed Jimin in the lips not once but twice.

     I looked around and I saw that this was not my car. I realized I just took my fiancé's car.

I drive around to look for a boutique, I didn't find one but I did find a Goodwill. I just remembered that I didn't bring any change so I was looking around Jimin's car and found $20. I went inside looking like a whole bum.

The cashiers, I can see them from the corner of my eyes giving me nasty looks. I didn't mind them since I like Jimin's smell. It calmed me, reminding me how much he really liked me.

I look around and found a pair of jeans to go with Jimin's shirt, I didn't want to take it off what made me feel safe. I tried them on and left them on and took the price tag off.

I went to the cashier and laughed at me.

"You know you're the first I've ever seen do this in my ten years of experience you ok?"

Now it's my turn to laugh "yeah I'm just in a hurry this morning."

I handed her the tag she scanned it, I gave her change and went out the door after thanking her.

I feel today being a good day now that me and jimin are in good terms and I could actually see myself building a beautiful family with him.

I arrived at the venue and just looking from outside I can tell that this wedding was going to be big and I loved that it was going to be Jimin who I was going to marry.

I went in and the place was absolutely breath taking I was speechless making my way around looking for Mrs.Park.

I finally found her after asking some people who worked at the venue.

I was heading towards her when she saw me.

"Y/n baby, you're finally here. So the theme of the wedding is crepe pink with gold. But that's me what do you think?" She said holding a stack of colors in her hand. She finally made eye contact with me, eyeing me and went down to my outfit she smirked.

"Y/n did you do the dirty dirty with my son already?" She said nudging me.

"w-what i, no we didn't do anything we just slept together, w-wait no I mean we did nothing but sleep." I said making things worse. I could sense that my face was a whole different shade of blush.

"Y/n" she laughed. " I'm just teasing you silly, but really do you like the colors or do you have something else in mind?"

I looked at what she got and seen the rest of the colors and finally picked on the pastel side of colors. I turn to her.

"I actually like these two... they are #F1C2BD and #F0DECF" I said showing her the colors I liked the most.

"Yes that's absolutely perfect we could work with these two colors." She said showing an employee what I wanted.

"Jiminieeeeee?!" I heard someone oh so familiar shout. I turn around and see her.

"What are you doing here?" We both said in unison.

Jimin's P.O.V

d-did she just kiss me twice????

"Dude why are you acting like she never kissed you before?" Yoongi said from the couch.

"Because we've never kissed before." I said holding my lips.

"And she took your most prized possession.....your car." He said smirking.

Wait what did she really just take my car.... I laughed. Wow this girl drives me crazy, I'm sure she going to stop by somewhere to get some clothes.

Although I wouldn't mind her in my clothes all day.

"Yeah, I mean it's just car and it's basically hers since whatever is mine is also hers." I said heading towards the couch and throwing myself down next to yoongi.

"Damn, you're in deep kid. I'm proud of you." He smiles looking at the t.v

"Now don't all sappy on me grandpa." I said poking his cheek.

He grabbed my finger and twisted it downward hard. "Owwww" the pain couldn't even be described.

"I take back what I said, I TAKE IT BACK" he finally let go.

"That's what I thought." He said smirking.

Y/n's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?" We both said in unison.

"Y/n What are you doing here where is Jimin?" Seola asked.

"Jimin is Home and I'm here to prepare for my Wedding." I said to her so she get the hint and leave us alone.

She scoffed. "You think he actually likes you y/n? Huh? Please honey he LOVES me. He was forced to marry you. If anything I his eyes you'll always be just a Dinosaur."

"n-no he said-"

"You actually believed him, you're even more stupid than I thought." She laughed. She pushed passed by me and left.

That can't be true. I refuse to believe that he still thinks of me that way. Is she going to Jimin's house, I have to get there before she does. I run out o the car when I hear Mrs.Park.

"Y/n where are you going?"

"Sorry Mrs.Park I need to go but I'll leave everything else to you. I trust you." I yelled back her since I'm now far.

I get in the car and drive past every red light and finally I arrived at Jimin's house.

I make my way inside to see Seola and Jimin kissing.

Woooo. This is the most I have ever posted in one week lol anyways hi <3

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