Chapter 42: The Final Battle

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Elphacena's yells amalgamated with all the other screams. Some of the onlookers were thrown back. Others screamed in shock and fright at the sudden explosion. Debris flew everywhere. There was a deep hole where Heklis had been standing, but there was no sign of the man himself.

Cedrick was thrown back. He was lying on his back, unmoving. Elphacena reached him. "Cedrick." She shook him. "Cedrick no, wake up."

Cedrick's eyes snapped open and sat up quickly. He looked around. "Where is he?"

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed Elphacena and threw her back. Something hit Cedrick hard in the face. He was forced back, rolling once before pushing himself to his hands and knees.

A foot slammed into his stomach. Cedrick was forced over. He winced sharply at the pain. He looked up to see Heklis standing over him. "Thought you could take me that easily?" Heklis roared over the sounds of the people scattering and screaming. "I don't think so."

Heklis moved to kick Cedrick again, but Cedrick was ready. He grabbed Heklis's foot and twisted. Heklis cried out in pain and went down.

Cedrick tried to leap on top of him. He was thrown back when Heklis kicked his middle. Cedrick fell. Heklis got to his feet. Something flashed in his hand, and Heklis struck downward.

Cedrick rolled to avoid it. He grabbed Heklis's arm and used it to pull himself to his feet. In the same move, he slammed his elbow into his opponent's face.

Heklis reacted by punching Cedrick across the face. Cedrick staggered back. Heklis tried to use Cedrick's own move against him. His arm flew towards Cedrick's face. He had no idea this move was a personal favorite of Margorim's. Cedrick knew exactly how to defend himself from it.

Cedrick brought up his own arm to block it. He brought up his leg and kneed Heklis's side, hard. Just as he used to do to all those long months ago, just as his father taught him. Heklis fell sideways.

Cedrick didn't give him a moment. He kicked out. Heklis was forced back once more. "Can dish it, but you sure can't take it." Cedrick grinned.

Heklis moved to hit Cedrick across the face again. Cedrick avoided his arm and brought up his own. He drove it right into Heklis's -- now blackened -- eye.

Heklis gave out a blood curdling scream and reeled back. Cedrick held firm, waiting for his retaliation. Heklis wiped blood from the eye and glared blades at Cedrick. Cedrick thought the eye was sickening before. Now it was black with blood red streams swirling around it as it moved. The blood that went through the eye pulsed with his heartbeat. There was also blood smeared around the eye. It made Cedrick's stomach churn.

Heklis got to his feet, seething. Cedrick knew better than to wait. He put up his shield before the blow struck. Even so, the blow sent Cedrick to his knees.

A bolt came from out of nowhere. It barely missed Heklis. Cedrick looked up. Elphacena glared down at Heklis. Before Heklis could turn his pained fury onto her, Cedrick leaped at Heklis's back. Heklis turned and threw Cedrick off. It worked. Heklis turned away from Elphacena and back onto Cedrick.

Cedrick knew this was it as he looked into the scarred, twisted, and furious face. One of them wouldn't live to see the morrow. The only question was, who would it be?

Heklis shot a jet of energy at Cedrick. Cedrick blocked it and got to his feet, still holding the beam in his hand to keep it back. He shot the energy back at its caster. The energy made a flash of light. It was so bright; for a moment, no one could see. The resulting screams made it hard to hear anything.

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