I Love You More

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Steve had just taken a shower and was in his sleep pants

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Steve had just taken a shower and was in his sleep pants. When he walked in his shared room, the last thing he expected to see was Tony sitting on their bed hunched over, crying. Steve immediately ran over and sat next to him asking what happened and if anything was wrong, pulling him into his arms. What he got as a response chilled him with sadness.

"I can't have a kid Steve, I can't! I don't want to be like my father!" Tony yelled into Steve's shoulder as he cried.

Tomorrow they were finally going to be able to take home the child they had adopted and he new that Tony had been nervous about it but he didn't know that Tony felt this way. He immediately felt regret for not knowing this sooner. He rubbed Tony's back in circular motions and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"What makes you think you'll be like Howard. You are so much more, you are Tony Stark!"Steve paused "You are my husband." He said the last part quieter, pushing back Tony so he would look him in the eyes as he said it.

"Steve, I'm scared, I'm so scared," Tony whispered. One of Tony's greatest nightmares was him becoming his father, not being their for his kid, and his kid ending up as fucked up as he was. The last thing the world needed was another person like him running around.

Tony was insecure, okay. He secretly hates himself and has thought about committing suicided multiple times. Except he was lucky enough to met an absolutely amazing man named Steve Rogers. Steve has helped him though so much, he was there for him when he was having major problems with nightmares after the battle of New York. Steve would stay up with him every night he had a dream and didn't want to go back to sleep and on nights he would try and go back to sleep, Steve would stay with him just in case. He's lucky to have him and that Steve loves him when Tony can't even love himself.

As if Steve could read his mind and the horrible thoughts he had, he hugged him tighter as pulled him on to his lap. "It's going to be okay. Your going to be an amazing dad, Peter is going to love you so much."

Nothing was said after that only the soft sound of rain hitting the window and occasional whimpers from Tony, were heard throughout the room. Eventually the lullaby of rain hitting a window put Tony into a peaceful slumber. Steve laid them down on he bed with Tony still on top of him. He sat there for a second just admiring Tony's gorgeous features, combing his hand through his wonderfully soft dark brown hair.

"I love you, Tony."

For a few minuets their was only the sounds of rain with occasional thunder.

"I love you more."

end of prologue

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