You Are My Favorite

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"FRIDAY deactivate Captain America training protocol." Steve was covered in sweet and honestly just wanted to go get some breakfast. He wakes up ever morning at 4 to train but lately he has been putting it off, now that Peter is two. Peter talks more and is always walking around so Papa Steve has to keep an eye on him. Since Tony is usually working late and sleeps in.

Before Steve would go get breakfast he always wakes Peter up to feed him but today he had trained a little later so he was a bit worried Peter would be a little cranky. Steve hated it when Peter cried, luckily it was rare but when he did it was bad. One time Peter fell on his face and started crying and then Steve started crying because he didn't like the sounds coming from Peter and Tony just sat there really confused and tried to get both of his babies to stop crying. Tony ended up putting not only a pacifier in Peter's mouth but in his husbands too. The was one of Steve's fondest memories.

As Steve walked to Peters room he said good morning to Bruce. "Steve you want pancakes, because I was thinking about making some this morning. It's one of those Wednesday's, ya know?" Steve nodded,"I'm just going to wake Peter and I'll met you there."

Steve continued his walk to his sons room only to find he wasn't there. So he walked to his room but Peter wasn't there either. Steve started to panics bit but remembers they have cameras on him at all time. "FIRDAY, where is Peter?"

"Peter is in the living room with Sargent Barns. Would you like me to inform him that you are looking for Peter." Steve thought about it for a moment but said no and instead told her to bring up the camera footage.

Bucky was sitting on the floor dangling one of his numerous toys making funny faces and Peter was laughing and had a huge smile on his face. Nat, Wanda, Vision, and Sam were all sitting on the couch talking not taking notice to Bucky playing with the baby. Steve thought about confronting him but he figured it would only make things awkward or make it seem that he didn't want him touching Peter. He wouldn't tell Tony either because he didn't want some kind of fight to start. Tony wasn't exactly oaky with Bucky and Steve understands that.

After all Peter was probably Bucky's favorite person in the tower.

So instead Steve just forgot anything ever happened and went to go have pancakes with Bruce.

Sorry this one is super short I just wanted to include some of Bucky's relationship with Peter

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