Crying Baby? Give It To Clint

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Imagine the must stuck up lady you know and then make her 60 years old with a really annoying voice and you would have successfully imagined the lady that was filling out the last of the adoption forms

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Imagine the must stuck up lady you know and then make her 60 years old with a really annoying voice and you would have successfully imagined the lady that was filling out the last of the adoption forms. When she was done she called up another person to bring Peter in, it was one of the rudest ways Steve had ever heard. "Bring the kid up, his new parents are here to take him."

A beautiful young woman emerged from the double doors across the room holding Peter and a small bag with his belongings. Steve and Tony jumped up and were more than excited to see Peter for a second time. She walked over and first handed Tony the bag. They looked at her for a second, confused, because she wouldn't give them their baby and that's when she started to cry. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she tightened her grip on the small child. Tony looked at Steve in a way that said 'wtf is wrong with her' and Steve proceeded to smack Tony on the arm and then walk over to the girl.

"Ma'am are you all right?" She nodded and took a few seconds to gather herself. Peter was looking at her with concern, like he knew what was happening. Peter was going to lose the only person that cared for him here.

"My name is Gloria and I'm a volunteer here. Peter is my favorite. I took care of him the most." She held Peter tighter. "I'm glad to see he's finally going to a good home though." Peter then looked at the married couple and then back at Gloria. "Do you guys know his story?" Tony smiled a bit and put a hand on her shoulder. "We would love to her it. Come sit down." She tried to the offer the baby to one of the men but Steve quickly put a stop to it. "Continue holding Peter. He looks really comfortable." After all she was going to have to say good bye to him today.

They sat on a couch and Gloria put Peter on her lap. The couple looking at her intently.

"Peter was only three months old when both of his parents were murdered. He was sent to live with his aunt and uncle after that but only a week later his uncle was shot and killed, his aunt couldn't afford to take care of Peter with a single income so she turned him into us. He has never spoken, he rarely smiles. Nobody here really takes notice of him is because they all think he is mentally ill. I can assure you he's not. In fact would say he's the brightest one here. He can solve puzzles easily for his age. He just never speaks. You guys get to hear him say his first word I guess. Just promise me you'll take good care of him."

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