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First signal... I took a deep breath then walked towards the edge of the station, inches from the railing.

I wasn't the only one there, there was also a woman who had her earphones on and eyes glued to a novel on her lap, while sitting on a bench.

She wouldn't mind me.

On the second signal, I could already hear the train and feel the vibrations of its arrival in the floor.

I immediately jumped on the railing, stood at the middle and opened my arms wide, embracing the ride that would lead to my death.

I was nearly closing my eyes until a pair of
not-so-gentle hands shook me,
"Are you crazy? Get out of here!" She said, pulling my arm. I followed her even if I was unwilling to live any minute more. I wanted to leave this place but I can't do the same to a curious person who might have a proper family that cares for her.

Third signal... She was struggling to go back up but when the train was only inches away from her face, I couldn't wait till she's crushed by it and carried her up towards me.

With the loss of momentum, we both fell,
and the passengers who had their phones up on our startled faces weren't really helping.

I should have gone with the Han River suicide, that would have at least helped me loose my memory if I was not successful.

The woman stood up and helped me up on my feet. She pulled me out of the station and unto a convenience store right around the block.

"Good Morning we're not op—Oh, Jieun-ah!" The girl in the counter said while waiving her hand. "Hey Mina, sorry, I know it's not opening hours yet but can I stay here and eat breakfast first."

The girl smiled and nodded, "Go heat up some ramen, my treat." She clapped her hands and signalled me to sit down. She then showed me three bowls of uncooked ramen and made me choose one,

"I don't—" she didn't let me finish and just picked one herself. "Eat but be careful, it's hot." She picked up the chopsticks and shoved it in my hand, "Go ahead. Don't worry about anything and just fill up your stomach." I nodded and ate.

I wouldn't say that this is a proper meal, but this has been the most I have eaten in months. Salads and fruit bowls were my go-to's.
"Thank you, for everything."


"You're quite early miss J." I'm actually later than the time I estimated. I loved being early, I got to sing in the bathroom freely while washing the makeup brushes for later.
Trainees and their photoshoots, sigh.

I liked being the mysterious 'noona.'
Goodness! I'm the youngest in the staff and among the trainees I'm handling. I got used to it though; being that person who wears a black mask and black cap while putting someone's makeup on or fixing their hair.

It was a deal that I made with all the company manager's I've worked with; once my identity is revealed, I would leave the company. They all begged me to stay; me doing my work- I made anyone and everyone 100x more beautiful or handsome. I was a must to any company, more-so the entertainment industry.

(a/n: please do leave comments or suggestions on how I could improve my writing style; suggest any other plot to help alter the story line's direction in the future, or anything- ask me questions too!!)

masked lover // bts jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now