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Hey guys...sorry about the late update ...I honestly didn't know what to write for this chapter but I came up with some ideas that sounds kinda good to me...Plz vote,read and tell me what y'all think about this chapter in the comment section below ...exams are over so I'm a get all the time to publish chapters for you guys.

Love everyone 💞💝✌

Emma stop what she was doing and left the room as soon as Alex told her to. He waited by the door until Emma was completely out of the room and he locked the door from inside .
        I was still standing in front of the mirror when Alex came walking in like a mad  hog. He came right over to me and he pick up the bathrobe and place it on me covering up my expose body.
I turned around looking at him and we were at eye to eye level.

Staring at each other in silence for a while. Alex eventually place his hands on my right cheek rubbing it with his thumb finger . You know Rebecca I've told you many times not to disobey me ,but you wanna have your own way and things don't go so around here,you have to earn it.
     Like I said before  if you listen to me and consider to do what I say ,you'll be treated like a queen'"Alex said in a normal tone ". I smell the minty air of his breath in my face ,and the toxic scent of his perfume started to over take me.

He wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him . He kissed me on the forehead , and looks at me in a nonchalant way ,a way in which people won't be able to recognize that monster in side of him.
         My hand was tempting to slap him but I would just make worst for myself . I'm going to Russia and I'll be leaving you in the hands of Lexie and Carlos ,trust me you don't want them to man handle you " Alex said in a low tone of voice .
      I'll be coming back tomorrow night . If you get hungry don't do anything for your self let the maids get your food or whatever you'll be in need of. "Okay young master I replied to him as he walks out the room ". He makes a sudden stop and he glance back at me with a cocked brow. " No! Rebecca you call me Alex ,you're my Queen , only the ones that work for me are allowed to call me that . 
         When Alex said that a sense of blush over took me and I think I was falling for Alex now ,or was I falling into his trap?
     Ass hole "I mumbled to my self as Alex left the room".
I delayed time by lying on my bed all along . I decided that I won't leave my room until Alex has left for  Russia. Surprisingly I heard the gates open and I jump up off my bed and went straight to the window . It was Alex, he was leaving to go and before he was completely in the car he looked up at my window and give me a blow kiss . I plastered a fake smile on my face as I watch the car left.

When Alex had departed I threw on a red casual dress and a red shoe to match with my dress. I made my way down the staircase and I decided that I would let Emma make me some light meal ,since I'm not so hungry .

As I was walking true the hallway I saw Carlos . When he saw me , he quickly dodged me by going into his room.
( like why the fuck is he dodging me now ! After he also planned to play the game with Alex and treat me like a fucking prisoner !)

Soon I'll get revenge on all of you psychos in this freaking house " I mumbled to myself". I even ignored the fact that I was thinking of being such a fool on planning to take revenge on these smart asses in the place ,especially Alex.
As I entered to kitchen I saw Lexie the other  sitting at the table . "how did your ass whipping go "? " Lexie asked". I pretend like I didn't hear a thing what he said and walk straight over to the chair that I usually sit in.
       Hey Lexie have you seeeeeen m....and Carlos seemed like he ran out of word when he came to the kitchen and saw that I was sitting at the dining table . "hey Carlos" why don't you join us for ? "I asked him'? I think that Carlos suffered from some prematurity ,because he'd always be acting like a  freaking egg that just got cracked.
Now it was Lexie ,Carlos and I at the dining table ,and even though I was the one who asked Carlos to join us I uttered no word to him.
           Carlos sat next to Lexie at the opposite end of the long table. They both began to talk in quite tone but it was my pleasure that I was  hearing everything that they were saying . " she looks like she's being properly taken care of than how we were used to be seeing her " Lexie whispered into Carlos ears .

(Then how did I use to look like before I was kidnapped by my best friend  whose now treating me like a freaking whore who goes about fucking men for a few dollars?)

      When I heard what Lexie said to Carlos I felt so down folded ...like I was a total ass hole. But why am I blaming myself ? I just accepted my body to be nonchalant and I let go of those stupid tauts that were running through my mind. Emma! I called out and before you knew it Emma was there in front of me already . 
What's for breakfast ? "I asked". And please don't tell me it some fucking pancake and bacon I've beening eating that shid several times since I've gotten here! But young mistress that exactly what I've prepared for you." Emma said" . ugh ...then get me something else to eat please!!! I ordered Emma to.

Since I've been taken I haven't any access to telephone ,televisions and even taking freaking walks in the back garden was restricted ,unless I was permitted by Alex .
           The chattering of those two fools at the end of the table was becoming annoying and Emma was taking long with my breakfast . I was glad when I saw that Lexie and Carlos were both leaving the dining room and they both came over at me "we are surely going to tell Alex on how you yelled at Emma " didn't he tell you that was his mom? "Lexie said ". Wait mom? Emma is Alex's mom? Before I could get an answer Lexie and Carlos had both left the dining room and at that point I knew how much trouble I have got myself into. 

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