Suspicions Grow

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Rose's POV

"Come on Hawk!" I call, "Or you'll be late for potions class!"

"Coming!" He replies, running up to me and the others. "Rose can I talk to you again... Later... Alone?"

"O-oh? Umm... Sure?" I swallow. I hope he forgot about the whole crush thing... It's silly but I don't want him to think I'm one of his fangirls, I'm not. I like him for who he is, not for his looks! Hawk is the sweetest, most selfless, sensitive, generous, caring guy I know! That's why I like him.

Hawk's POV

I have a lot on my mind right now and it's making it impossible to think straight!

There's that thing with Rose... I never got to tell her how I feel. But then there's Selena too! No matter how hard I try to trust her, I just can't. There's just something about her... Rose trusts her, so I should too... Right? I don't know!

"Hawk? Hawk! HAWK!" I snap out of it to see Rose staring at me waving her hands in front of my face like a mad man.

"Sorry Rose! Just... Thinking..." I sigh.

We all walk to the potion lab along with Selena and I try my best to ignore the constant feeling in my heart that keeps on telling me, "Don't trust her! You can't trust her! She's hiding something! She's a villain!"

Rose's POV

I think something's wrong with Hawk. He thinks Selena can't be trusted, but she's actually pretty nice! I admit it's slightly unsettling to have her be a villain's granddaughter, but we have to give her a chance! Apart from that, he's also been getting lost in thought a lot... I hope it's not about it...

"Now class, for today's assignment, you all will have to make a potion of my choice... From memory!" Doctor LeFrog announces, making everyone groan.

"This'll be easy! I memorised the ingredients and steps to making practically every potion we've been taught and more!" Astoria beams.

"Rose, your team will be making a growth potion." Doctor LeFrog says as he walks past us to continue assigning the other groups their potions.

"Yes! Ok. Rose, you get the sun drop. Hawk, you get the fairy dust. Joy, the evergreen leaf. Travis, the mythical mist. LingLing, you get the base fluids a, b and c." Astoria immediately takes charge, assigning everyone a job.

"Wait, what about me?" Selena asks.

"Well... You don't know where anything is so... You can help LingLing!" Astoria nods.

Rose's POV

After potions class, we walk to the dining hall together to get something for break. During our break, Hawk pulled me aside again, but this time he also pulled LingLing aside with us.

"What's wrong Hawk?" LingLing asks.

"Selena! I saw her sneak some base fluids into her bag while you guys were collecting the base fluids!" Hawk whisper yells.

"I did too!" LingLing whisper exclaims back.

"Guys, this was probably just a misunderstanding... Selena..." I trail off, spotting the veils of base fluids glistening in her bag.

Could she be evil? Could Hawk be right? I don't know anymore...

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