More than Friends???

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So sorry for not updating in a long time but I will explain that later why I haven't been here but HERE YOU GUYS GO ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE!!!

February 15th

Deku's P.O.V

~still at the hospital~

"K-kacchan you can let go now... cant.. Breathe..." he relased me and I tried to catch my breath

I smiled and laughed at him. "What the hell is the matter with you now?" I kept laughing for no reason but at the same time I was kinda happy

"Nothing... really" thats when I started to cough really hard. Really hard and I had trouble breathing once again

"Deku" he came over towards me and he wrapped my arm over his neck and led me to my bed so i sit.

The coughing had lessened but I only had a few every once in a while. "Hey Deku. What happened? Like back at your house?"

I tried to remember the best i could but it was very fuzzy. I couldn't remember anything but one thing "MY DIARY WHERE IS IT?!"

I noticed that I had said it out loud and that maybe Kacchan would start questioning me.

"Uh n-nevermind" I blushed from embarrassment from saying that in front of him but by the time I noticed Kacchan was near my face.

"Your what?" he gave a smirk and my blush deepened "n-n-n-n-nothing!" I said crawling backwards on the bed.

"Did you say your diary?" he started to crawl on top of the bed and was almost towards me.

"N-no" I parted eye contact from him knowing he was going to do something. "Is that so?"

His hands went to my waist and I thought he was going to try something but.... "Hahaha n-n-no K-kacchan s-stop it!"

He started tickling me on my sides and I was trying not to fall off the bed at the same time. I couldn't fight against him instead I gave in. "K-kacchan stop!"

I was laughing way too out of control. Once I said that he stopped but when I looked at him his expression changed.

"What happened between you and that half and half bastard anyways?" I immediately froze and that's when everything about yesterday came back to me. As if the once cheery mood disappeared.

I sat up on the bed and didn't want to say anything. "If you don't want to that's fine." he said to me and he got off

"He just broke up with me. I dont know the real reason why he did but it hurts you know. But you know i guess thats what i get... for being a useless 'Deku' right?" i put my head down as a whispered the last part avoiding eye contact.

"Its funny you know." I said with a bit of sadistic laughter "One day we're both having the best day one can ask for and then the next the throw you away like trash." I tried to contain my tears that I was holding back but I failed. They came out slowly but surely while still having my head down.

I gripped onto the hospital gown I was wearing because the one question I wanted to ask, I wanted an answer. "Just like when we were kids you know. You got a quirk and that was the best day for you and me." at this point I wanted to stop talking but I can't.

"You got new friends and all that you know. Then all of the sudden you throw me away as well. Well guess what Kacchan you don't know what it feels like to be hurt by someone you like! You always get everything you want easily." my lips were quivering and i wanted to stop but I wanted to know now.

"Why are you so concerned about me now after all this time?! Is it because you noticed me just cause I have a quirk now? That you suddenly look at me and decide to beat me up once i have a quirk? I don't understand you Bakugou. Just tell me why!?"

I finally looked at him with tears in my eyes flowing out. "Why do you suddenly care for me now?"

That's when I felt a sudden embrace. He hugged me tightly not wanting to let go and just hold me.

He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. "I care for you because I like you. I like you so much without me realizing it. That day I lashed out at you. Not even I knew the reason why I did that. I guess that it was because I had strong feelings for you I guess I kinda blamed it on you for making me feel this way. And I'm not good at showing what I feel at all."

That still doesn't make any sense but I guess I'll accept it. "But I want to be different. I want to set things right now. And from now on I promise I won't hurt you anymore."

He kissed my forehead that made me feel like there was little butterflies in my stomach. But I shrugged off the feeling and smiled at him and hugged him back.

*doki doki*

"Eh? What's this? Again? Do...I like Kacchan again? That can't be right. He's just a friend"

(A/N You sure Deku??? Just a friend?)

""Does this mean we're friends now Kacchan?" I asked him wanting to know what we were. "I guess but..." he leaned in closer to me near my ear "I wanna be more than that"

I felt my face heat up and lightly pushed him away looking to the side. "M-more than f-friends?" I stuttered

"Well however you want is fine as well." I looked at Kacchan and he seemed to have a slight blush on his face. "O-okay"

I felt my heart flutter a bit and it made me a bit happy but the fact that Todoroki broke up with me out of no where still doesn't make sense to me.

But for now on I got Kacchan and that's all I need right now.


This book hands down is one of my favorite KatsuDeku books

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This book hands down is one of my favorite KatsuDeku books.

Its by xXxJINX (I LOVE YOUR BOOK jinx)

Anyways next chapter will be a rant and story of why I guess you can say that I disappeared for awhile. But that will be later anyways bye.

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