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A/N First off, before I begin, I would like to call out guydotexe on instagram for making the AMAZING cover and thank them for allowing me to use it!!!! I LOVE it so much, and if you haven't seen their Instagram you need to go check it out. P.S this first chapter is very short, I'M sorry. I'm just making this up as I go, so there may be slow updates!!!!!


Mitch hated moving.

How anyone expected his little arms to carry the massive boxes full of everything that was in his bedroom was still a mystery to him.

This was the tenth time Mitch has moved in his life, and being just sixteen years old, that seemed like a lot. His dad's job caused them to move around a lot, he worked for a power plant and did the math for what amounts of chemicals or crates fit in a truck. It was a pretty boring thing to Mitch, but his dad loves it.

The worst thing Mitch has had to deal with was making friends. Because his dad moves around so much, Mitch doesn't stop to make friends. He thinks it's pointless. Why make friends that he'll keep for a month, then move and never speak to them again? It wasn't logical to him.

His parents told him to try anyways. But Mitch was a shy, gay boy that was lucky if he was ignored at school as opposed to the insults, beatings, and constant fear. It wasn't worth it to him.

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