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Mitch was walking to the cafeteria to get lunch when Scott came from nowhere and stood beside him. "Hey Pretty Boy, come eat with me." He said as Mitch jumped from the shock of seeing him there. "I- I was going to sit with Kirstie. But, um- you can come sit with us." Mitch offered, smiling when Scott gave him a genuine smile.

Scott sat across from Mitch as they talked about interests, then Kirstie walked up to them. "Mitch, I talked to you about this." She said calmly. "I can make my own decisions. I'm seventeen." Mitch argued before Kirstie sat next to him. "I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying you made the wrong one." Kirstie shrugged. "You're serious? If anything, Kirstie, I should be the one pissed off with you." Scott spat, thanking Mitch for inviting him before he went to sit at the table with his friends.

"What's he talking about?" Mitch asked. Kirstie sighed, "Scott and I used to date. He was a crap boyfriend. Nothing was ever his fault, he cheated multiple times, he grabbed me too hard. He was an asshole. When I ended things, he started taking it out on everyone else. That's why you should stay away from him, Mitch." Kirstie said before she started eating her food quietly as Mitch looked back at Scott talking to other guys.

"He seemed like a nice guy." Mitch mumbled when he looked back. "He seemed like a nice guy to me too. Mitch, he's fake. Scott doesn't care how you feel. He'll get you in bed and the next day he drops you like a bag of dirt." Kirstie said softly as Mitch  nodded. "Yeah, thanks for telling me that." He mumbled before poking at his food.

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