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Mitch was terrified. Not because he was with a high school bully on a metal death trap of a motorcycle, but because if his parents found out that he ditched school they would kill him. But then he started thinking about his arms around Scott and he was once again distracted from reality.

Scott took Mitch out to a cliff that overlooked the entire town, and behind that they could see more mountains in the distance.

"What do you think?" Scott asked with a smile.

"It's beautiful up here." Mitch smiled as he looked out on the town.

"I like coming up here to think. It's a good distraction for bad days." Scott smiled.

They stood out there for about an hour, laying in the grass with Scott's arms wrapped around Mitch's waist as they sat there and enjoyed the silence that surrounded them and filled the cool air.

But after a little bit longer, Mitch let out a loud sigh and stood up, "Come on, we should get back to school before we miss third period." He said as he stood and walked away.

"You're no fun, Mitchy!" Scott whined, making the brunette freeze and look at him with a small smile.

"What?" Scott asked as he walked to his bike.

"I like that nickname." Mitch shrugged.

"Okay, well are you ready, Mitchy?" Scott asked as he got on his motorcycle.

"I'm ready, Scotty." Mitch smiled as Scott chuckled and started the engine before they went back to school.

By the time they got back and walked to the side door they left from, the two stopped. Mostly because Scott stopped walking and he was holding Mitch's hand.

"Why are we stopping?" Mitch asked quietly as Scott looked at his watch.

"And, five. Four. Three. Two." Scott counted before the bell to change classes rang and the hall flooded with students. The two used this as a way for teachers to not notice how they weren't in their class.

"Well, I'm going to let you go to class. See you later, Pretty Boy." Scott smiled before he left Mitch in the hallway and went to his next period class.

Mitch had a stupid smile on his face, he couldn't get rid of it after spending such an amazing time with Scott. He didn't understand why Kirstie never liked him, Scott was a nice guy. She had to have something to hate about him if she was going to cause all this drama about him.

A/N guys!!!! I am SOOOOO SORRY. I put this on hold due to writers block but I've been trying to graduate a year early so I haven't been writing, I've just been posting a bunch of drafts. I will start posing this book again though. I'm sorry!

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