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At the end of the day, Mitch was waiting to go home when Scott walked up to him. "How's it going, Pretty Boy?" He asked with a smile. Mitch just shrugged and looked down. "Was your first day that bad?" Scott asked kindly, only getting silence. Scott nodded after a moment, "Okay, great." He said before walking away.

"You lied to me!" Mitch argued, making Scott stop in his tracks. "About what?" He asked as he looked at Mitch angrily. "Everything you said about Kirstie was a lie. All you did was lie." Mitch spat. Scott scoffed, "I lied? Are you kidding me?" He asked angrily before Kirstie stood beside Mitch. "Are you okay?" She asked Mitch softly.

Scott scoffed, "Wow, you haven't changed at all since I last spoke to you. You trying to ruin every relationship I even try start, that's a low blow. You know nothing about me, so stop pretending that you're a professional that knows everything there is to know concerning me." He said before walking away.

Mitch looked at Kirstie, "Maybe I was too rude. I barely know him." He said softly. "No, Mitch. He deserves this. Come on, come to my house and we can just hang out." She smiled as Mitch nodded and followed her.

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