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Mitch and Kirstie painted each other's nails and talked for hours. "So, what did Scott mean when he said you try to ruin all of his relationships?" Mitch asked. "I think the girls and guys he talks to deserve to know what he does, Mitch. He uses people all the time." She shrugged. "Why?" Mitch asked. Kirstie shook her head, "You name it, good grades, sex, personal gain, popularity, all sorts of things. He's not a good guy." She said softly.

"Maybe he changed and you just won't give him the time of day." Mitch shrugged before Kirstie looked at him and scoffed. "Please, the only thing Scott cares about is himself and his boys." She shrugged. Mitch nodded and watched Kirstie paint his nails a light pink.

The next day, Mitch decided to keep the nail polish on. Kirstie had volley ball practice, so he was sitting in the cafeteria alone that morning. Well, he was until Scott sat across from him. "Good morning, pretty boy." He smiled. Mitch sighed, "Kirstie says I shouldn't talk to you." Scott scoffed, "Do you always do what your friends tell you to? Look, I get why Kirstie hates me, she's overdramatic. But I have never given you a reason to hate me. Are you seriously going to judge me by something Kirstie told you without hearing my side of the story, or are you going to hate me because of Kirstie's biased half?" Scott asked.

"She said you grabbed her too hard, cheated multiple times, and that you were always rude to her." Mitch argued. Scott scoffed, "Yeah, did she mention that I'm related to Santa Clause too? Because fact check, Kirstie lies." He argued. Mitch rolled his eyes.

"I'll admit, I did cheat. Being drunk isn't a good enough excuse, but I can't change what I did. But not once did I ever grab her. If she wants to be mad about me cheating, I'm fine with that, it was an asshole thing to do and she deserved better, but her lying about everything else wasn't necessary. Mitch, the only reason I'm a so-called bully is because when Kirstie and I broke up she started telling everyone all these lies about how we broke up and they all got mad. After my third time being beaten up in the football field, I was over it. Take the rest of your questions to Kirstie, just know that when she lies she bites her inner cheek." Scott said before grabbing his stuff and leaving.

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