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Mitch did go to Kirstie. And she bit her inner cheek a lot. So he decided the best thing to do was to go to their friends. Mitch looked up when he saw Scott stand from his lunch table and walk away, so he rushed to his seat and sat down across from Scott's best friend, Kevin. "What can you tell me about Scott and Kirstie? Because I don't know who to believe." Mitch said quickly.

Kevin sighed, "Scott's done shit he's not proud of, but Kirstie lies a lot. She told people he was beating her but claimed she was too scared to show the marks. And less than a week after they broke up she was suddenly wearing short sleeves and skirts. Scott isn't perfect, but he doesn't hit people unless they attack him first. I also remember Scott once called me late at night, he was really drunk and freaking out about cheating on her. A few days later he tried to apologize to her, but he saw her making out with Jeremy. Neither of them are perfect, but Scott became a bully because of her lies. And none of us are going to let her lies get in the way of him being happy." Kevin said before Scott got there. "I will give someone this attempt at pizza if you give me something good." He said, freezing when he saw Mitch in his seat.

Mitch sighed and stood up, "Thanks, Kevin." He smiled. "You're not going to stay and sit? Are you sure?" Scott asked kindly. "Yeah, I have to get back to Kirstie." Mitch smiled. "Okay, pretty boy." Scott shrugged.

A/N so, my frustration made my brain need a break, so I'm updating!! I hate driver's ed a lot... i do amazing on a practice quiz, then on an actual quiz I always miss one question and have to wait an entire day to take it again. BUT I'm almost half way done with it!!

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