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London, United Kingdom

March 11th

20:00 Local Time

Inside a mansion atop a hill, a small family was eating dinner. The father was short, with dark skin and brown eyes. The mother, wearing a silver dress, was tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. Their daughter was light skinned, with pale blue eyes, and brown hair. "So Laura." The father said, getting his daughter's attention. "So how was your day in school darling?" His British accent was not extremely thick. His daughter replied, in calm tone "It was alright I guess." Laura's accent was much thicker than her father's, but not nearly as much as her mother's. Suddenly, there was a knock on the mansion doors. "I've got it." Laura says as she gets out of her chair. She slid down curved stairwell and to the front door. When she looked through the peephole, she saw some familiar faces. "I need your help." The short kid in a blue hoodie said. "Who's asking? You or Bluestone?" Laura said jokingly. Jayson replied exhaustedly "Both I guess." She opened the mansion doors and welcomed her friends in. "It has been too long cousin." Laura said, embracing her cousin. Nicole interrupted and said "I would honestly think you'd be happy to see me." Laura turned around to see her long time friend, and the two exchanged a tight hug. "So what brings you five to jolly old London?" Laura asked. Turning towards Samantha, she noticed that she had never met her before. "Ugh. Where are my manners today?" She said, extending her hand out to Sam. "Laura Simmons. It is a pleasure to meet you." Sam then replied "Sam. The pleasure is all mine." They all entered the house into a massive living room. "Mom! Dad! We've got guests!" Laura yelled. Laura's mother came down the stairs to see the Elites standing in the foyer. "Hey Aunt Verna. It's been a while." Jayson said. Verna replied "Your parents never said anything about you guys coming to London on a mission. What brings you to us tonight?" Jay said "Mom never said anything because we couldn't tell her anything. We aren't here on a mission. We're on the run."

Laura was stunned, and asked quietly "Oh dear. What happened? And what do you mean by on the run?" Nicole stuttered and said "W-well what happened is that... Kaiser. The supercomputer I told you about... in my last call. He escaped and found out all our secrets. We can't trust anybody anymore, so we came here. The UK Sanctuary was never documented, and can't be found by Kaiser. It was the only safe place we have." Jay interrupted and said "To make matters worse, we had to ditch the jet mid-flight. It's probably over oceans by now. That should buy us a few days time to find a way to stop this." Ms. Simmons said "You are welcome to use any of the resources we have until you can come up with a plan. Just stay out of trouble. And lights out by 2200 each night." "I have no idea what twenty-two-hundred is. Must be a British thing I guess." Robert said shrugging. Laura replied "America is one of the few countries that doesn't use the 24 hour time system. 2200 is 10pm genius." Flustered, Rob replied "Oh... ok." Each the Elites walked off to do their own thing, and Jay patted his friend on the shoulder and said "You've got a lot to learn buddy." He then went down the stairs into the basement with the pod he had taken from the plane before jumping. He wasn't seen for the rest of the evening.

The next morning, the others woke up to the sound of heavy machinery. Nicole leaped out of bed, and Laura and Robert followed. When they came downstairs, the noise was coming from the basement. At the bottom of the stairs, they saw the pod now up against the wall, with wires leading into a massive computer. When Rob stepped up to look inside the silver and blue pod, he saw a face, with patches of metal still visible. "Bruh what are you doing with him now?" Robert asked. Jay didn't respond as he continued to type code into the computer. "I thought you said you decided you were gonna move on from this." Nicole said. Jayson looked away from his work, and said "When did I say that? Before we found out he was still alive. This is the first time in five months where I can work freely on him, and he'll be ready by the end of the night to be brought back online. If anybody knows how to stop Endgame for good it's Zach. We need him more than you think guys." Laura stepped forward and said "If you think this will help us find Endgame, then you should do it." "So you want him to just go ahead and reboot this psycho-android. He refuses to quit and he stabbed me in the shoulder a few months ago. Every time he's around something bad happens." Laura interrupted "If Jayson thinks there's a way to undo the programming, least we can do is give the guy a chance to right it."

Elites Chapter III: New Empire RisingWhere stories live. Discover now