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Downtown San Juan, Puerto Rico
In a penthouse above the city, a short man with brown hair and green eyes was preparing to head out for the day. He wore a white polo with a red tie. The tie held a black emblem stitched into it. On his way out of the massive apartment, he grabbed a pistol from atop a dresser, and put it in his side holster. The man also grabbed a small handheld device with the same insignia engraved on the back. He entered the elevator calmly, preparing to head to the military base.
When he reached the lobby, the clerk asked the man "What are you up to today Mr. Taylor?" Leonard Taylor responded "The same thing I always do, keep our country safe." Taylor exited the building through a side door where his car was waiting for him. When he started walking to his Rolls Royce, he noticed a grey Dodge blocking his path, and one person with a dark red suit stood in front of the car. He looked behind him to see Stone standing ten feet behind him. Taylor was cornered. Suddenly, the ground became uneven, and Taylor was overwhelmed by drowsiness. He fell to the ground, unconscious.
When Taylor came too, he was being carried out of the trunk of the car, and up the stairs to the top of another building. "What do you all want from me!?" Taylor yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping to attract attention from anyone passing by. Suddenly, he wriggled free of Inferno's grasp and made a run for the door at the end of the hallway.  He burst through the door, and fell to the floor. He continued to crawl away slowly. "Please, don't hurt me." He faced Stone as he continued to step closer "What is Atlantis? And what is Phase 3?" He asked firmly. Leonard Taylor picked himself up and continued to walk backwards. "I didn't think abducting and terrorizing people was quite your style Elites. You all must be truly desperate." Stone replied "I'm gonna ask again. What is Phase 3?" He walked even closer to Taylor as he stepped back. Suddenly, Taylor's foot stepped off the edge of the building. Just as he started to fall backwards, Stone fired off a spike with a thin cable attached. The spike stabbed through Taylor's red tie, and pulled him towards the building. "I never thought you'd have the balls to toss someone off a building." Taylor's tie was slowly starting to tear in half. Stone sighed as he released the cable even further. Taylor was practically dangling from the building. "Give us the answers we need. If I don't drop you, your tie will." Stone said sternly. As he started to retract the cable again, the tie continued to tear. By the time he was back on the edge of the building, the tie had already given out. Just before he fell back again, Bismuth grabbed hold of the other half of the tie, holding him over the edge. "Wait wait wait!!!" Taylor yelled. "Phase's the next step. Endgame is going after the big ones. America...Japan, Brazil, the UK, all of them. But it's only a dose of what's to come for the big push." Stone responded "What's the big push?" Taylor replied "Oh my God Kaiser is gonna kill me for this." "WHAT IS IT!?" "It's metahuman warfare. Endgame knows they can't take on the world's greatest militaries, so they're using enhanced humans to fight for them. And there's no better way to start off a new era, than by establishing who's really in charge." "The military would never stand a chance against all of them, and the metas." Inferno said. Taylor replied "That's the point kid. And you're too late, the launch has already begun." Bismuth chimed in "I don't understand, how did you get the metas to fight with you?" Taylor replied "Not all of them wanted to fight alongside the Elites. And we dealt with those who resisted...Now, please let me go I gave you what you want!" Bismuth replied "Very poor choice of words." The tie slipped between Bismuth's fingers, and Taylor fell helplessly hundreds of feet towards imminent death.
As Leonard struck the ground, he woke up. He was back in his apartment, and the Elites stood over him. The clock on his nightstand read 1:03pm. "What now?" Inferno asked. Stone replied "We use him to gain access to the big Endgame database so we can find out for sure where the attack begins. From there we stick to the plan. We need to get to Endgame's Citadel before they send the metas. But we have to be fast. If those metahumans get launched, it'll be too late. Sam put her hands on the sides of Taylor's face while he was still unconscious "You sure this will work?" Inferno asked. Bismuth replied "No, but we're a bit short on options so I'll take it."
"But you've never been able to take full control of a person's mind before have you?"
"No, but there's a first time for everything right? It's just like hypnosis."
Moments later, Bismuth took her hands off of Taylor's face, and said "The car behind is with you, you trust them entirely and they will be coming with you to the database. Eyes open, you're ready to go." As Taylor awakened, his eyes changed color from green to pale blue, signifying that the hypnosis had worked. He stood up, and walked out of his apartment. The Elites followed him as he went to his car, and drove off. They then followed him from their car.
After nearly an hour of driving, they reached the gates of the military base. Taylor rolled down the window at the security checkpoint. He was now wearing sunglasses to hide his oddly colored eyes. "The car behind is with me. I trust them entirely and they will be coming with me to the database." He said in a monotone voice. The guard said. "Very well, they will need ID passes from us. Speaking of which, we also need yours." Taylor sat motionless, as he had run through the entire dialogue Bismuth programmed into him. "I need security down here immediately we have people trying to get in with Commander Taylor." The guard said.
Suddenly, there was a massive bang as Taylor's car blew up on the spot. The gates opened and soldiers with heavy artillery ran out, shooting at the car behind the flaming wreckage. "Shit! It's a trap!!!" Stone yelled, putting the car in reverse. As the muscle car raced in reverse, the security barrier rose up. They were between a fiery wreck and a hard place.
As the bullets struck the car, they ricochet off and rolled onto the floor. Shield Integrity: 76 percent The infotainment system read aloud. The number was dropping rapidly, in less than a minute they would be exposed and unprotected. Stone quickly pushed a button on the steering wheel. Panels on the hood slid down to reveal a pair of guns. Stone pulled on the paddle shifters and a barrage of small explosives were fired. They all went off with small bangs and clouds of smoke. He put the Charger back in drive, and swerved to the left, rushing through the barrier. It made a full U-turn and raced in the opposite direction. Following them were multiple black SUVs armed to the teeth with lethal weapons. The men inside continued to fire rounds on the fleeing sedan racing along the narrow streets of San Juan. "Winlock I can really use some good news right now what's your status???" Stone yelled through the intercom to drown out the gunfire." Zariah quickly responded "Endgame updated their database, they're locking down all the ports on the island. Any one of them will do." "Which one is the closest!?" Stone shouted. Zariah responded "In Old San Juan, just fifteen minutes away! We're en-route now." Navigation info then popped up on the cracked screen. "Everyone hang on to something!" Stone shouted as he floored the gas pedal. The dented Dodge roared past other cars in traffic as the black trucks struggled to follow. They quickly resorted to pulling out their rifles and shooting at the car. Many of the bullets were caught in other cars as well but many started to pierce through the armor of the vehicle. Stone quickly ran the car through traffic, shoving other vehicles off to the side as he pushed through. The Dodge rammed through the barrier to its right and drove down the inclined median. Stone pulled into traffic and kept going towards Old San Juan. To his right was a large cliff over a beach. "Rob there's one coming up behind us." Caleb said nervously, clamping onto the back seat. The truck pulled up on the right side of the car, and the window rolled down as a gun pointed out of the car. Stone quickly noticed, and twisted the steering wheel to the far right. The Dodge slammed into the truck. The truck lost control, rolled through the barriers, and down the Cliffside. The Dodge kept driving, with other trucks coming behind it. After a moment, another truck was to the left of the Elites. Instead of the windows rolling down, the operatives shot right through them until it was conjoined with the Dodge. The two cars kept driving side by side as Endgame Operatives started shooting into the car until suddenly Stone stopped at a red traffic light. As the SUV kept going it was sideswiped by a large semi truck.
As soon as the truck was struck by a grey delivery truck, Stone floored the gas and roared past the red light into Old San Juan. "I think we lost them." Sam said, breathing sharply. The wrecked Hellcat continued towards the dock, only to find that everyone else had already arrived. "You're late." Silicon said nonchalantly. Stone said "We ran into a lot of traffic. What are we looking at here?" Lovelock spoke "Endgame is using automated submarines. Troops deployed here about ten minutes ago." Silicon continued "Since the subs are on timer systems, they automatically return to their base after a certain amount of time. Theoretically we should be able to use this one to sneak into their base undetected." Inferno replied "So if that's the case then we should hurry. This one could be leaving any second now." Suddenly, the large sub started to slowly drift back into the sea, and the doors were beginning to close. "Everybody on board now!" Stone yelled. The Elites ran for the dock; one by one they climbed through the shrinking cavity in the door. They looked out the windscreen and saw the water continue to rise, until the sub was completely submerged. "Where is it taking us?" Sam asked, removing her mask. Robert calmly replied "Hopefully to where we need to be."

Elites Chapter III: New Empire RisingWhere stories live. Discover now