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Missile Launch Site Ruins, North Korea


March 21st

As Jayson flew closer to North Korea, he felt an uneasy feeling coming over him. He was heading back to the very place where their revolt had started. He flew past the wreckage of the watchtower where Sapphire dispatched the former president of the communist nation. He finally landed where a massive rocket once stood, which was nothing more than a shallow crater. As Bluestone stepped out of the aircraft with his pulse rifle raised, now with a flashlight attached to the glowing barrel. In his right hand, Bluestone saw the glowing red dot towards the east. He walked through the wasteland as the signal grew stronger. Finally he climbed into the watch tower. All the windows were blown out, and the structure was barely standing. He stepped into the control room, and saw the old computer screens all shattered in the aftermath. "Wade! Where are you!?" After moments of silence, he heard a cry "I'm here!!!" It was coming from the other room. Jayson entered, and found Turner, pinned underneath metal panels and planks. Wade's face was bruised and beaten. Jay quickly started to pull some of the metal off. "How did you get here?" He asked nervously. Wade replied "I managed to break free, I took sanction here, and then part of the ceiling collapsed. Endgame probably thinks I'm dead, so that's good." Jay finally got enough of the rubble off of his friend, and he reached down. "Let's get you out of here. Can you walk?" As Jayson reached for Wade's hand, it fell right through. Jay tried again, and his hand phased right through Guardian. IT WAS A TRAP.

Jay ran for the door, but it was sealed shut. "Leaving so soon Thomas? You just got here." Jayson turned around and saw none other than Jordan Barnes. "You know, this is actually the site of your first great mistake. It's weird how life works isn't it?" He said. "Where's Wade?" Jay asked, rage building. Barnes calmly replied "Consider him lucky. He's safe and sound, unlike many of your friends." Jay raised his rifle at the mercenary, and it was instantly knocked to the ground, sparking up. "How many of them did you take?" Jay asked, taking a defensive stance. "A lot of them." Barnes replied. "But some casualties were necessary. Ruby seemed like a nice person. It made it a little bit more painful to give her a dose of lead poisoning. She was a waste of my time." In a fit of rage, Bluestone lunged at Barnes, hitting him with every fiber in his being. He then put Barnes in a headlock, slowly crushing his throat. "How are you tracking us? Tell me!!!" The mercenary gasped for air, and said "How did you find Wade?" Suddenly everything became clear. Jay reached into Barnes' pocket, and pulled out a very familiar small device. He then let go of Barnes, and pulled an identical device out of his own pouch. "For the leader of an international ring of spies, you aren't too smart." Barnes said. Jay then turned, and leaped out of the shattered window, and climbed down to one of the remaining planks. He dropped Wade's old communicator, and let it fall to the ground, shattering on impact. He then pulled out his own, and relayed a message "To all remaining Elites: We've been breached! If you see any distress signals, ignore them! I'm cutting off all communications on this frequency. We can't afford any more losses. I'm gonna make sure I'm the last one." Jay wedged the screen off his communicator, and there was a small red button. The button said "Terminate All." He looked up, and saw that Barnes was climbing down behind him, and fast. Finally, Jay said "Take care of yourselves." The message sent just as he pushed the button. The battery on the communicator then overloaded, catching on fire. Jayson dropped it just as a net was thrown around him. He fell on the plank, and there was no escape. "I got him." Barnes said into his earpiece.

The Carribean Sea


Stone and Bismuth were on their path towards Brazil when Bluestone's message came through. As soon as it ended, Stone yelled "Drop your communicator!" As he and Sam let go, both devices blew up. Rob grabbed an extinguisher and put the small fire out. "We've made a serious mistake." Sam muttered. Rob quickly said "We need to turn back. We need to turn back RIGHT NOW." He turned to the controls, and turned the jet facing North. Suddenly, a blaring alarm went off. Sam looked at the radar, and saw a small object on a direct path for the aircraft. "Rob, something's headed our way, and fast!" she yelled. Rob looked at the radar, and saw one missile that had locked on. "Son of a bitch." He mumbled under his breath. Sam then saw the missile facing right at them through the cockpit. "Oh SHIT!" She yelled. "Those bastards are gonna shoot us out of the sky!" Rob yelled "No they won't! Hang on to something!" He took over the controls. Right before the missiles could make contact, the jet went into a dive bomb. As the jet plummeted towards the ground, everything inside seemed almost weightless. Robert quickly pulled up and continued to fly. He could see mountains of green, and a city. He knew he was too close to the ground, but just as he tried to keep going, the aircraft was struck in one engine by a third rocket. The jet stalled out, and fell into the mountainside. It hit the ground in a ball of fire, and then nothing.

Elites Chapter III: New Empire RisingWhere stories live. Discover now